Official PSU - MSU Game Thread

If you were guaranteed a 21 pt victory this week, after two years of misery vs these guys, every poster would have been ecstatic.

Or am I wrong?
You're wrong- some here pray for losses so they can "validate" the idiocy they spout.
First time 8-0 since 2008

Minnesota and Indiana next... if we get to 10, first time since 1994 (which went 12-0)
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Brisker's display doesn’t really bother me, but these kids need to know that any big display in the middle of the field is going to draw a flag. Like Blackledge said, do it on the sidelines.

There’s no defending Shelton. That was awful.
Honest mistake, he meant to spit on the ground but missed!:eek:
Franklin, Rahne and Clifford are individually and collectively dumber than a bag of rocks.

Pick off the 5th team QB in the pouring rain and act like an jackass and get a 15 yarder. I don't need to see #7 the rest of the year. #55 can walk home as far as I'm concerned as well.

you two are peas in a pod. Both jackasses.
BTW how much money did you lose betting against PSU the other week?
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Weather had a big i.pact on the offense stall ball. At least 3 dropped passes. Once it was clear MSU had nothing on offense to mount any kind of challenge I think they lost a bit of focus.

Thankfully we have a bye week to figure out how Shorter can have a bigger impact.