Official PSU - Wisconsin 2021 Game Thread

A lot more leeway is given when the defender clearly alters the QB’s intent to throw the ball. I suspect it’s written out but I’ve never seen it called when the QB is hit like that.
From the 2021 NCAA rulebook: "Quarterback A10, who is not outside the tackle box and is attempting to save yardage, intentionally throws a desperation forward pass that falls incomplete where there is no eligible Team A receiver. RULING: Intentional grounding."

Looked to me like he was trying to get rid of the ball before the hit he saw coming. Perhaps it just wasn't quite as desperate as the officials felt it needed to be,
You get one yard of protection. We were obviously within a yard.

No they don't. He caught the ball and was unimpeded.

INDIANAPOLIS -- The NCAA Football Rules Committee has eliminated the 2-yard ''halo'' rule on punt returns.

Returners still must be given an unimpeded opportunity to catch the punt. The penalty for failing to do that or for contacting a player who has signaled for a fair catch will be 15 yards.
When is Brandon Smith going to make a 5 star play? Guy has done nothing the last 2 years.
No they don't. He caught the ball and was unimpeded.

INDIANAPOLIS -- The NCAA Football Rules Committee has eliminated the 2-yard ''halo'' rule on punt returns.

Returners still must be given an unimpeded opportunity to catch the punt. The penalty for failing to do that or for contacting a player who has signaled for a fair catch will be 15 yards.

Yes it was a BS call. Wasnt even close.

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Wisconsin hiding Mertz. Offense needs to swing field position and put some points on the board or we are going to be gassed by 4th quarter.
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Difference between Sutherland and Brisker making a tackle from the Safety position is about 10 yards, not in PSU's favor.....:rolleyes:
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Thank goodness the quarter is over. Wisconsin is oozing cockiness all over the field and we are pinching our butt@ holes tighter than Eric Barron holding a jar of his precious onion dip.
We are over pursuing on defense….they picked up on that about six plays earlier and have since ran a few more misdirection run plays…smart and patient Christ is…
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