Olympic Trials Day 1 thread

Who would wrestle the winner of Zain/Ness? Would it be Steiber or Humphrey? Not sure how to fill out the bracket. Tia
Who would wrestle the winner of Zain/Ness? Would it be Steiber or Humphrey? Not sure how to fill out the bracket. Tia

Humphrey, who was visibly limping on a taped-up ankle at the end of the Pico match. Kennedy/Russell winner faces Steiber on other half of consis bracket.
Love that song! I am twirling around the living room
Is Chief with you in thought... I know he's got you in his thoughts... as he twirls you in his mind. o_O

Remember to let him take the lead when he dips you.


No. My dirty secret when it comes to music is liking Coldplay ;)
I LOVE Coldplay. There's nothing sordid about liking Coldplay. They're one of the highest album selling, highest concert grossing, rock bands of our area. PDiddy's favorite rock band, not rap, not R & B... COLDPLAY.

One of my favs too along with The Killers. Get The Killers live DVD in BluRay from Royal Alberts Hall, Chief and you'll know you've seen a phenomenal concert. If you want a copy... I can send one to you. Let me know.

The Killers are Coldplay on steroids and a better singer in Brandon Flowers.
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Zain gets an Inj default

He may just take streebler if they meet again
I LOVE Coldplay. There's nothing sordid about liking Coldplay. They're one of the highest album, highest concert grossing, rock bands of our area. PDiddy's favorite rock band... COLDPLAY.

One of mine too.
Zain beats Ness 6 to 3....Not sure who he gets next ?
He was supposed to take on Humphrey next but Humphrey Inj. Def out. So Zain will next wrestle in the 3rd place match.
If Zain advances/advanced to 3rd place match, due to purported Humphrey inj default, I have Zain going against winner of (Russell/Kennedy) vs stieber.
Kennedy w a leg lace to go up 10-1 end of 1 against streebler
Jk gives up TD w 3 secs to go but it ends 10-3.

Zain gets JK in consi finals.

If zain makes 3rd....I could be wrong but he becomes an alternate to the Olympic team and can train all summer and go to Rio too. Someone would to research that or confirm.

He could still try for junior world's too regardless as could pico. might be full of shit but at least you have fun with it. You're ok in my book. Hell, I might even give you permission to take 21 Gun's daughter out. He might have 21 of them but I'm betting he misses most of the time.
Lol. Thanks Az....
Since we rarely see, or don't see a leg lace in Folk, why is this usually a 8 point move, or so it seems? Is it such a difficult move to justify so many points?

It's not an 8 point move, it's a 2 point move. In Kennedy Steiber match Kennedy just repeated it 4 times. I think there should be a rule that you can only get max 4 points off the same leg lace.
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