I am here and a little lull now that quarters are done.
Berge is excellent on his feet, very slick. Small for a 157, noticeably. Doesnt look like 149 should be an issue at all, but you know what they say about the eye test. Could be in better condition, seemed to fade a bit. Not sure how he is going to do against a good full size 157, but regardless he is the real deal as a recruit.
I was not surprised by the Pletcher Paetzel match once I took a look at Paetzel. He has seriously grown over the past couple years. Pletcher still lacks length even at 133. Makes it hard for him to generate a ton of offense even though he is an excellent wrestler.
Other tOSU guys are here as well helping coach. Snyder, Moore. Ryan needs work on his tan so I'm thinking he canceled Aruba and they are all in this year. Tervel is like one of those ex NFL lineman who retire and slum down. Looks to be about 225 now with, trim and fit.
Lopez is small. Bo Jordan survived being down 8-7 with under a minute to go after giving up a 4 pointer. Myles Martin is good lol. So is Deprez, looking forward to seeing those two in the finals and seeing where the freshman stacks up.