PSU - Indiana Dual Thread

By far the worse announcers I've every heard for a tv match. Home boys is a mild description for these two goofs! The referee was absolutely horrible as well. Indiana circled and backed off the matt too many times to count and very few times resulted in any sort of penalty.
They were bad when it came to calling the action. When they would say that one wrestler was holding their own when it was only 1 minute into the "game". It did sound like they did their homework on the PSU team and had some good background information.
I thought the ref was consistent and called stalling more than any other match I have seen. Could it have been called a little more, sure.
Oliver just spent his entire match running from Nico and got about 10 minutes of concussion time, that was a pretty pathetic display of "wrestling."

Just a note that concussion time is not controlled by the ref, the coach, or the wrestler. Once a determination has been made that a concussion may have occurred, a trainer or medical staff individual is given as much time as needed while the wrestler is evaluated.

It does make for a frustrating fan experience, but I think the NCAA made a good move with this rule. The NCAA is actually ahead of high school sports with their concussion rule.

The actual NCAA rule is:

Rule 6.1.5 – Referee Timeout, Concussion Evaluation Timeout
In the case of a possible concussion, the referee shall stop the match for a concussion evaluation. The medical staff shall have unlimited and unimpeded time to evaluate the participants. In cases of uncertainty, the medical staff shall be granted the ability to remove the participant from the wrestling area to perform the concussion evaluation. During the evaluation, the match will be suspended until a decision is rendered. The referee, the coaches of both participants and the non-injured wrestler are to remain on the mat. A concussion evaluation timeout shall not count towards the contestant’s injury timeout or recovery timeout. Coaching of the contestant being evaluated is not permitted.
Nate Jackson just fell up into a victory, don't see any reason Bo should drop in the rankings

Can't tell if you're joking, but I hope you are. True, Jackson played keep away after getting the 6-2 lead. But Jackson scored the big 4-point throw, and was able to fend off some good TD attempts from Nickal.

And Nickal's overall body of work probably isn't sufficient to avoid dropping from #1 after the loss. It's not a big deal, though, and a loss may actually be good for Nickal in the long run.
Can't tell if you're joking, but I hope you are. True, Jackson played keep away after getting the 6-2 lead. But Jackson scored the big 4-point throw, and was able to fend off some good TD attempts from Nickal.

And Nickal's overall body of work probably isn't sufficient to avoid dropping from #1 after the loss. It's not a big deal, though, and a loss may actually be good for Nickal in the long run.
Looked like Jackson's height affected Bo a little. Jackson's length and his quickness may have caught Bo off guard a little in this 1st time meeting.
Can't tell if you're joking, but I hope you are. True, Jackson played keep away after getting the 6-2 lead. But Jackson scored the big 4-point throw, and was able to fend off some good TD attempts from Nickal.

And Nickal's overall body of work probably isn't sufficient to avoid dropping from #1 after the loss. It's not a big deal, though, and a loss may actually be good for Nickal in the long run.
Sure, the loss stinks and I'm sure Bo is one salty young man right now. His style and youth certainly made him a candidate for one of these losses. Live by the funk, die by the funk, I guess. Long run shouldn't matter.
Did nothing? Lucked into it? Lol
Did you watch the match? Because if you did you can't objectively say that's not true. Oh wait, you have no interest in objectivity. Enjoy looking up at PSU holding another team title while your boy Meyer fights to become an AA
Easy on the announcers. It is the BTN Student Network they were on. Two students that had very little knowledge of wrestling were doing the match or game as they would put it. They were bad but they weren't supposed to be good. Deserve to be excited over the upset at 174 even if they weren't quite sure how it happened.
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Can't tell if you're joking, but I hope you are. True, Jackson played keep away after getting the 6-2 lead. But Jackson scored the big 4-point throw, and was able to fend off some good TD attempts from Nickal.

And Nickal's overall body of work probably isn't sufficient to avoid dropping from #1 after the loss. It's not a big deal, though, and a loss may actually be good for Nickal in the long run.

Jackson did not "score the big 4 point throw." He defended Bo's throw and fell on top of him. Deserves credit for that and for the way he defended on his feet, but Jackson was never the aggressor.
Did you watch the match? Because if you did you can't objectively say that's not true. Oh wait, you have no interest in objectivity. Enjoy looking up at PSU holding another team title while your boy Meyer fights to become an AA
Didn't say one bad thing about your wrestler. I like Bo a lot actually. I'm just laughing because you aren't giving Jackson an oz of credit. I
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Didn't say one bad thing about your wrestler. I like Bo a lot actually. I'm just laughing because you aren't giving Jackson an oz of credit. I
Because Jackson didn't do anything the entire match but fall into 4 points. I mean good for him getting the win on paper. But he didn't win more so than Bo bungling it
Jackson did not "score the big 4 point throw." He defended Bo's throw and fell on top of him. Deserves credit for that and for the way he defended on his feet, but Jackson was never the aggressor.

Okay, but you're simply talking semantics IMO. Jackson defended Bo's throw and ending up nearly pinning Bo. Bottom line is Jackson scored the points and won the exchange. There was more to it than merely falling on top of Nickal.
I had to turn off the announcers on the BTN after the nickal match...ugh

So put JB on and I think he said it best at the end...paraphrasing...ugly win but with all the travel the past 8 days and matches this team looked off today.

I think our bar is set pretty high because even though this was ugly in a few places, there was a neutron bomb more energy in this match then in the scUM v tO$U match

Happy for Jimmy and Van Cura
If you turned the announcers off you must have missed at least 10,000 "absolutely".
If you turned the announcers off you must have missed at least 10,000 "absolutely".
Too funny. After the other kid announcer would say something weird and offbeat... the other announcer validated his nonsense instantly with... Absolutely.

The weird and offbeat student announcer sounded like he was on downers or had just come out of a drug induced coma. He had this ridiculously monotone voice with a bit of a southern drawl. Pulled my hair at some of the goofy things they both said. They also felt the need to fill the air with constant comments. Many too bizarre to know where they came from in their collective cerebrums.
I've seen that Ref before. He is pretty consistent with his stall calls.
Sure, the loss stinks and I'm sure Bo is one salty young man right now. His style and youth certainly made him a candidate for one of these losses. Live by the funk, die by the funk, I guess. Long run shouldn't matter.
If you turned the announcers off you must have missed at least 10,000 "absolutely".

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Jackson did not "score the big 4 point throw." He defended Bo's throw and fell on top of him. Deserves credit for that and for the way he defended on his feet, but Jackson was never the aggressor.

Didn't say one bad thing about your wrestler. I like Bo a lot actually. I'm just laughing because you aren't giving Jackson an oz of credit. I

If the tables were turned, some fans would say that Bo defended the throw but in this case Jackson fell into it, really. It's not like Bo attempted the throw and slipped, Jackson straight up defended/countered the throw and scored 2 td and 4 nf. After Jackson was up 6-2, I thought he's going to stall his way into losing this match. Jackson managed to hang on it win, wasn't pretty but not all wins have to be.

Bo's going to be fine and he's going to have a lose on his record, big deal, not a career ending event.
Okay, but you're simply talking semantics IMO. Jackson defended Bo's throw and ending up nearly pinning Bo. Bottom line is Jackson scored the points and won the exchange. There was more to it than merely falling on top of Nickal.

And there was less to it than "scoring a big 4-point throw." Jackson won and he deserved it. Some people might be interested in knowing what actually happened, though.
And there was less to it than "scoring a big 4-point throw." Jackson won and he deserved it. Some people might be interested in knowing what actually happened, though.

OK, bro, fair enough. Jackson didn't initiate the throw as I inadvertently indicated, but he also didn't luck into the points by merely landing on top of Bo, as others have indicated.
One of the more amusing comments was that their guy Oliver was "using the whole mat" as Nico chased him around the mat. After that, I had to turn off the sound for good.
One of the more amusing comments was that their guy Oliver was "using the whole mat" as Nico chased him around the mat. After that, I had to turn off the sound for good.

That was pretty funny.

Good call railbirrd.
OK, bro, fair enough. Jackson didn't initiate the throw as I inadvertently indicated, but he also didn't luck into the points by merely landing on top of Bo, as others have indicated.

If only Bo would have tried a duck under as jackson was running away from him he may have won o_O
Give the other guy a little credit, geez. Sounds like sour grapes. Bo feels pretty bad right now, but that'll pass, and he will learn a valuable lesson. I know the coaches won't make excuses, nor will Bo.
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Give the other guy a little credit, geez. Sounds like sour grapes. Bo feels pretty bad right now, but that'll pass, and he will learn a valuable lesson. I know the coaches won't make excuses, nor will Bo.


Jackson got the job done and gets the credit. Bo will continue to learn from this and be better. All good.
If that doesn't work, Cael will have him drill the girlfriend dump. (sarcasm off)
Sometimes I think that everyone on this forum are geniuses while I am just a dog tilting my head from side to side trying for some modicum of meaning.
Sometimes I think that everyone on this forum are geniuses while I am just a dog tilting my head from side to side trying for some modicum of meaning.
Dunk's post and mine are both making fun of someone else.
Bo got put on his happens to upper body guys, like Brooks last year against OSU. However, according to the hype on this board, that just means Bo should have came back and scored 15 more points on Jackson. Truth is, even Bo knows bad days. In college, it's tough giving up a six point move and coming back...sometimes you have to be more tactical and I think this is what Bo learned today. No need to minimize his opponents win...Bo is the type of young man that will be better off for it.
Too funny. After the other kid announcer would say something weird and offbeat... the other announcer validated his nonsense instantly with... Absolutely.

The weird and offbeat student announcer sounded like he was on downers or had just come out of a drug induced coma. He had this ridiculously monotone voice with a bit of a southern drawl. Pulled my hair at some of the goofy things they both said. They also felt the need to fill the air with constant comments. Many too bizarre to know where they came from in their collective cerebrums.
Can't tell if you're joking, but I hope you are. True, Jackson played keep away after getting the 6-2 lead. But Jackson scored the big 4-point throw, and was able to fend off some good TD attempts from Nickal.

And Nickal's overall body of work probably isn't sufficient to avoid dropping from #1 after the loss. It's not a big deal, though, and a loss may actually be good for Nickal in the long run.

At one time someone posted that Bo had several (I don't know the actual number) victories over top 10 wrestlers in his weight class. Maybe more knowledgeable fans can confirm this.
I think it was more a matter of Bo trying to force the throw when he didn't have the right leverage/balance. It was well-defended by Jackson, too.
At one time someone posted that Bo had several (I don't know the actual number) victories over top 10 wrestlers in his weight class. Maybe more knowledgeable fans can confirm this.
Bo has already beaten #2, #4, #6, #7, #12, #15, and #20 in the Intermat Rankings (last week's, they'll change in the morning). And he has #5, #14, #15, and #19 yet on the schedule, not counting the NWCA Dual Series Match.
I think it was more a matter of Bo trying to force the throw when he didn't have the right leverage/balance. It was well-defended by Jackson, too.
I like the name, "matter7172."

I agree Bo was not positioned to hit that move. Jackson had something on Bo I don't think Bo has to deal with much. An opponent taller than he is. I am not sure I would say it was well defended, it was not well executed and Jackson is a good athlete. When Bo fell underneath him Jackson lengthened out. If Jackson was a couple, 3 inches shorter - Bo gets the throw.
I agree Bo was not positioned to hit that move. Jackson had something on Bo I don't think Bo has to deal with much. An opponent taller than he is. I am not sure I would say it was well defended, it was not well executed and Jackson is a good athlete. When Bo fell underneath him Jackson lengthened out. If Jackson was a couple, 3 inches shorter - Bo gets the throw.

We may be quibbling about semantics, but I think Jackson did a good job of defending the throw, while it also was poorly executed by Bo.

The key to the throw was that Bo had trapped Jackson's left leg. Between that and the overhooks, Bo will hit the throw most times. However, Jackson seemed to sense what was developing and he pivoted his right leg away from Bo, which made the throw harder. Then just before Bo attempted the throw, Jackson was able to free his trapped left leg. That changed the dynamics, and made it nearly impossible for Bo to hit the throw. IMHO, Jackson executed a perfect defense against the throw, and Bo showed inexperience in attempting to hit the throw when Jackson's trapped leg was lost.