A few musing from inside the arena:
1. Hats off to Nebraska... National TV audience, and they delivered. The boys came to wrestle their best and the 5,960+ were loudly behind them. It was a really electric atmosphere in the arena.
2. Speaking of the arena... just a beautiful arena, which is very important since B1G tourney is anticipated to be there in 2022 after PSU next year. Not a bad sight line in the place and i was told it will hold 9,000 full. Most of the seating is chair back; however, the lower potions are bleachers as they get “pushed in” for some sports, and likely will to accommodate all the mats for B1Gs. Only real negative... it’s out in no man’s land with no bars or restaurants around it, and parking flow not very good... so between sessions will be inconvenient.
3. The officiating was a bit to be desired. RBY’s pin was missed when the ref being originally in the the right position to make the call inexplicably moved opposite side where he could see nothing. The stalling call on Pipher while he’s clearly trying get off bottom on his knees or tripod position was ridiculous while their guy just hung on top not even pretending to be working for a turning combo. Then calling it the opposite way against PSU...

but here’s why:
4. The one really big negative of the night was the behavior of Coach Manning and all his assistants. I was seated center aisle, center mat on the team side of the mat. Coach Manning or his assistants actually led the cheers for stalling... turning to the crowd and pumping their stall fists in the air starting the mob chanting. Often, the minute one of their guys got a take down, within seconds they pleaded for a stall and wound up the crowd. It was really a pathetic sight to see

... and more inside baseball:
5. In the takedown challenge... Manning acting in a childish pique threw the brick on the first “non call” (which from my position was not a take down) but action continued to the edge where a hand was down with a foot in bounds. I remember saying to myself... “whew, good thing he challenged the first non-take down”... then as everyone is talking to their wrestlers, one of Manning’s asst quietly wandered over to the official and pointed to the spot of the second takedown. Thank goodness Cael et alii figured it out before it was announced. What little respect I had left for Nebraska coaching staff got totally flushed at that point.
so... take it for what the above is... just my opinions ... take’m or leave them!