PSU - Ohio State Dual Thread

Ohio State gets more just for the heck of it official reviews than the rest of the big10 combined
unsportsmanlike conduct against PSU for RBY throwing his headgear down, so it's 2-0, PSU

141: Lee vs. Joey McKenna

Per 1
McKeena in, they scramble, nothing. Great hips by Lee. Lee reaches for an ankle, nothing. Mckenna in on a single, has Lee dancing, and gets the TD, 0-2. Lee up and out, 1-2. Lee reaches for a single, nothing. Lee gets behind, but can't bring McKenna down before they go OOB with 1:12. Stall warning on McKenna for going OOB. McKenna working an overtook, and then shoots, but Lee staves it off. End.

Per 2
McKenna takes bottom. McKenna is up, and he's out in 11 sec, 1-3. Lee in on a single and gets the TD, 3-3. McKenna quickly out, 3-4. Ryan throws the brick. Good grief. Seemed pretty obvious it was a TD. On the BTN replay, it's iffy. This could get overturned. Call is reversed, so it's 1-3. with 1:27 left. Lee in on a single, they scramble, and McKenna fights it off. McKenna in on a single, they scramble, Lee has an ankle, and McKenna gets the TD, 1-5. Lee tries to hit a switch, and gets the esc, 2-5. End.

Per 3
Lee takes bottom. He's up, but driven back down. McKenna riding tough, but Lee is out, 3-5. Now Lee with a quick single and gets the TD, 5-5. Lee cuts him, 5-6, with 1:09 left. McKenna shots, Lee books. Lee reaches for an ankle, nothing. Mckenna reaches, and Lee counters and gets behind for the TD, 7-6. McKenna is flat with 17 sec left. End.

5-0, PSU

Damn, I was going to take Lee in KYPSW, but I switched it to McKenna. Stupid me