unsportsmanlike conduct against PSU for RBY throwing his headgear down, so it's 2-0, PSU
141: Lee vs. Joey McKenna
Per 1
McKeena in, they scramble, nothing. Great hips by Lee. Lee reaches for an ankle, nothing. Mckenna in on a single, has Lee dancing, and gets the TD, 0-2. Lee up and out, 1-2. Lee reaches for a single, nothing. Lee gets behind, but can't bring McKenna down before they go OOB with 1:12. Stall warning on McKenna for going OOB. McKenna working an overtook, and then shoots, but Lee staves it off. End.
Per 2
McKenna takes bottom. McKenna is up, and he's out in 11 sec, 1-3. Lee in on a single and gets the TD, 3-3. McKenna quickly out, 3-4. Ryan throws the brick. Good grief. Seemed pretty obvious it was a TD. On the BTN replay, it's iffy. This could get overturned. Call is reversed, so it's 1-3. with 1:27 left. Lee in on a single, they scramble, and McKenna fights it off. McKenna in on a single, they scramble, Lee has an ankle, and McKenna gets the TD, 1-5. Lee tries to hit a switch, and gets the esc, 2-5. End.
Per 3
Lee takes bottom. He's up, but driven back down. McKenna riding tough, but Lee is out, 3-5. Now Lee with a quick single and gets the TD, 5-5. Lee cuts him, 5-6, with 1:09 left. McKenna shots, Lee books. Lee reaches for an ankle, nothing. Mckenna reaches, and Lee counters and gets behind for the TD, 7-6. McKenna is flat with 17 sec left. End.
5-0, PSU
Damn, I was going to take Lee in KYPSW, but I switched it to McKenna. Stupid me