Spencer Lee Promises Iowa Will Be 2020 National Champions!

Spencer said what he was supposed to say. He is the leader of the team and wanted to get the crowd going. He obliged. I don't see it as arrogant and I don't think any less of him for doing it. If anyone from the state of IOWA has the right to say what he said, it's him.
Of course it was ill advised. Do you think his coach wanted him to make a public prediction of winning the title? I don't think so. What could he have said? Something as simple as come out and see us this year, we're gonna have a great team!
See how easy that was?
“Great team” by Hawkeye standards is winning BIG and NCAA championships... so what’s the difference?
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What would make Iowa a great program like Ohio State?

Well, if we're going to have some f*n with this . . .

The answer is that being a great team and/or great program is secondary. What is really stressed by some is being a great family.

And yes, that means we can now add Great Family Champions to the list of annual wrestling championship awards. ;)
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What's he going to say: 'Come watch us be #2?'...On that note, I think they will be #2 but I like Spencer and his enthusiasm.
Spencer said what he was supposed to say. He is the leader of the team and wanted to get the crowd going. He obliged. I don't see it as arrogant and I don't think any less of him for doing it. If anyone from the state of IOWA has the right to say what he said, it's him.
I agree. It wasn’t a promise or giarantee; he was just pumping up the home crowd. Except that he’s from the state of Pennsylvania.
Not sure how bad it was but I know Spencer left practice early yesterday in a knee brace.
Cael has finally responded to Spencer's "guarantee" of a National Championship for Iowa:

"That Does it!.....we are going to extend practices...add practices until midnight and work harder than ever before. "
"Just Kidding......we are going to have more F*N then any other PSU team in history!"
Cael has finally responded to Spencer's "guarantee" of a National Championship for Iowa:

"That Does it!.....we are going to extend practices...add practices until midnight and work harder than ever before. " ...
That sounds like Cael’s response as reported by Cenzo in one of his patented funny interviews. :)
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