The Ferrari Family Circus

The Northwestern Field Hockey Team doesn't want him either?
No worries about Anthony and AJ's future. My sources have confirmed that Anthony and AJ are opening a specialty delivery pizza shop in NJ. It's called "Hole in the Box Pizza". Each wrestler has their own specialty. The pizza is the same, but Anthony's comes with the hole in the back side.
His longterm weight was always supposed to be 184
Yeah, but reading your home page insiders (yeah I know, I should know better) he needs a redshirt to grow into the weight. Seems he has the weight sufficently grown into and may be growing right past it into a 197 pounder.
And then there are guys like Tom Ridge, that while in elementary school in the 1950s used to carry a disabled classmate named Elizabeth Black up and down the stairs between classes since there were no elevators. Otherwise she would have been limited to first floor classrooms only.
Character can be recognized at even a very young age. Appropriate for this thread to be sure.
And yet John McCain stiffed Tom Ridge as his running mate and chose Sarah Palin. Vietnam Vet from a crucial swing state for an airhead from a state with more moose than people
Based on his new-found spirituality....I imagine Cal Baptist. If Catholic......Belmont Abbey College is just up the road from me. We can go to Bible study the local pub.
I'm in South Charlotte. No bible study with AJ but I'd have a beer or 20 with you at a local pub.
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Medical redshirts require validation by a licensed physician. Why not apply the same standards to athletes who claim injury during Olympic redshirt?
They also used to require 2 lost seasons, not one. They started giving exceptions and now it's more of the rule. Not sure crappy behavior both on and off the mat should get an exception but....whatever.

And he has a weird definition of starving. Most would do anything to eat. He seems to do everything to avoid it.
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Dude. It's June 19th. Why wouldn't you believe that?
Until it became known that Ferrari phucked with Cassioppi's sister and pissed off the entire Hawkeye wrestling group everybody assumed Beth told Tom to tell Ferrari to hit the bricks.
Turns out even Tom has his limits for asswipes with wrestling talent who might score an extra team point at nationals.
Two of the three were AJ and Facundo, neither of whom even had a realistic chance to make the team, although at least Facundo tried and qualified for (and showed fairly well at) the trials.
And that's the only point that matters. Nothing wrong with AJ qualifying for an ORS. But using it should require actually trying to make the team. Post grads get grace from their workplaces to try to make a team. Others get jobs with companies like Home Depot and McDonalds who pave the way for athletes to both train and work. None of them get rewarded for actually doing nothing.
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To play devil's advocate, A.J. stated that he had a knee injury that prevented him from competing.

What if one of our guys did the same? Would you want him to lose a year?

Anyway, I love the silliness of this crap. It's fun off season banter. I asked a coach buddy to call AJ at 8a.m. this morning. He laughed at me.
Did he hit himself in the head with his knee?

Incidentally, if he did have a knee, he could get a medical RS....but he would have to actually be in school, huh?
I wouldn't be shocked if AJ ends up not wrestling in college at all still even if he has options to join teams. I think he still has delusions about the level of leverage he has when he's the one getting the 10th chance. I anticipate he is seeking a pay day that just won't be there ultimately.
I wouldn't be shocked if AJ ends up not wrestling in college at all still even if he has options to join teams. I think he still has delusions about the level of leverage he has when he's the one getting the 10th chance. I anticipate he is seeking a pay day that just won't be there ultimately.
Agree, i just can't see him grinding at one of the lower tier schools. That's just beneath his entire persona.

The irony of that pic is that if AJF did go to Northern Colorado and encountered a real grizzly while out mucking around in the environs, he probably actually believes that striking that pose would make the bear run away.

Teddy Bear Abc GIF by The Bachelorette
he's already taken a visit to UNColorado.

Nickerson is trash.
Should a Hawk be bad mouthing a Bear before we see if he starts posting pictures and videos of himself working out in the UNC weightroom or hanging with the Bears' heavyweight?
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Agree, i just can't see him grinding at one of the lower tier schools. That's just beneath his entire persona.
OTOH, what if somebody convinced him he could lift heavier weights on Instragram at higher elevation?

Technically it's true -- gravity does decrease with altitude. His 665 lb deadlift would improve by a whole 5 oz.
On one hand I'd like AJ to just go away.......but on the other I'd be interested to see what he could do at UN Colorado. I didn't know much about UNC, wasn't even aware they were in the Big 12 (I know my bad). Anyway, I looked up the Bears schedule from last season. That is one weak schedule. They were in some solid invitational tourneys but didn't wrestle any of the traditional B12 powers like ISU or Ok State. And they wrestled Presbyterian College, Otero Junior College, North Idaho, California Baptist, and NW Kansas Tech - what?

Also looked up the current B12 teams, and was surprised how weak that conference is. A fair share of solid teams, but few elite schools......Ok St, ISU and Mizzou so maybe not too bad.

Edit: On second thought, maybe the B12 isn't that bad, especially with the expectation that DT will elevate Ok St and therefore the conference and with ISU on the rise. If comparing to the B10, not even close. But other conferences aren't much better, except the ACC and maybe the PAC 12? EIWA will get watered down with the Ivies leaving. Regardless of all that I don't like that the B12 has so many affiliate members, but I guess that's the nature of college sports now.
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