197: Dean vs Amos
Amos shot Dean tries a go behind but they’re back to their feet. Amos double but Dean defends. Crowd wants a stall call on Dean. Dean TD. Not sure what happened there - Dean got behind from feet. Missed headlock by Amos. But it’s 2-0 Dean. Amos to his feet… Dean has leg in air… stalling on Dean for holding leg. Late escape by Amos makes it 2-1 Dean after one. 1:35 riding adv.
Dean takes bottom. Amos lifts Dean. Dean is out. Amos looks like he hurt himself. But wants to go. They gave reversal instead of escape? So it’s 4-1 Dean. Amos escapes. 4-2 Dean. Amos shoots from distance. Dean countershot. Nothing. 4-2 Dean after two. 1:24 riding adv for Dean.
Amos takes bottom. Dean has a boot in. Cross body ride. Riding is secured. 1 min to go. Amos maybe could have escaped but turns in, no break in control and it’s a stalemate. 2 point tilt by Dean. And now it’s a bow and arrow! 4 pt NF as time expires! 11-2 final with riding point!
25-12 PSU
Amos shot Dean tries a go behind but they’re back to their feet. Amos double but Dean defends. Crowd wants a stall call on Dean. Dean TD. Not sure what happened there - Dean got behind from feet. Missed headlock by Amos. But it’s 2-0 Dean. Amos to his feet… Dean has leg in air… stalling on Dean for holding leg. Late escape by Amos makes it 2-1 Dean after one. 1:35 riding adv.
Dean takes bottom. Amos lifts Dean. Dean is out. Amos looks like he hurt himself. But wants to go. They gave reversal instead of escape? So it’s 4-1 Dean. Amos escapes. 4-2 Dean. Amos shoots from distance. Dean countershot. Nothing. 4-2 Dean after two. 1:24 riding adv for Dean.
Amos takes bottom. Dean has a boot in. Cross body ride. Riding is secured. 1 min to go. Amos maybe could have escaped but turns in, no break in control and it’s a stalemate. 2 point tilt by Dean. And now it’s a bow and arrow! 4 pt NF as time expires! 11-2 final with riding point!
25-12 PSU
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