157- #3 Tyler Kasak vs. Jared Hill
Period 1:
Here we go! Kasak coming forward a little off the whistle, Hill pushes back. Circling, tying up & then breaking. Kasak pushes Hill to the edge. Kasak hits a throw by to a double leg TD, 3-0. Brutally powerful takedown by Kasak. More farm boy strength! Out of bounds, restart. Hill down, Kasak riding, Hill turns & gets the escape, 3-1. Kasak stops & there is a face strike or something, point, Kasak 4-1. Circling, Kasak with a throw by & trips Hill to the mat for another TD, 7-1. Out of bounds, restart, 49-sec left. Hill down, gets to his feet, but Kasak hikes him up & brings him back to the mat. Kasak with a spiral ride & he's driving forward with good pressure. Hill can't seem to do much. Hill gets to his feet, but Kasak trips him back down & they go out of bounds, restart, 12-sec left. Kasak rides out the period. 7-1 Kasak +1:43 RT
Period 2:
Kasak's face is bleeding, so they're dealing with that before the 2nd. It might be another bloody nose for Tyler. Hill takes down, turns & gets to his feet, but Kasak brings him back to the mat. Hill gets back to his feet & Kasak gives up the escape, 7-2, out of bounds, restart. Circling & tying up, Hill shoots, nothing. Kasak working the head on the edge & they go out of bounds, restart. Circling, Kasak reaches for a leg, nothing & back to the tie up. Kasak shoots, nothing, then tries the other side, no luck either. Kasak didn't fully commit on those shots. Circling, Kasak coming forward, Hill is on the edge now. Kasak shoots a double, then backs out & they go out of bounds. Stall warning Hill, restart & that's how the period ends. 7-2 Kasak +1:58 RT
Period 3:
Kasak takes down & quickly gets the escape, 8-2. Circling, Kasak drops in on a leg, elevates it & tries a trip, then dives in behind & they go out of bounds, no scoring, restart. Circling & head tapping. Kasak gets Hill in the eye with a head tap. Eye poke stoppage, restart. Circling, Hill shoots, but Kasak blocks him off. Kasak counters, drops in on the legs & gets the TD, 11-2. Kasak has Hill on his back & gets 3 NF before they go out of bounds, 14-2. Challenge Wyoming. Wyoming challenging the back points, I think. Challenge lost, score still 14-2 Kasak. Neutral start, Kasak gives up the escape, 14-3. Circling & tying up. Kasak driving forward, shoots on the edge, but they go out of bounds. Stalling Hill, point, Kasak, 15-3 & time expires. I missed a point somewhere. The final is 16-3 Kasak.
Tyler Kasak MD Jared Hill 16-3
Team Score:
PSU: 26
WYO: 0