Wow. Look what you can get away with if you are a democrat

You can smack a random passer by in the head with a bat and walk out of jail with a slap on the hand.

The attacker was a lifelong New Yorker who was never even arrested for jaywalking!!!

On video.................

Disturbing video shows unsuspecting NYC man hit in the head with a baseball bat​

Football Rose Bowl media day updates

I'm in Washington DC for a family member's military retirement but still have updates for everyone!

- Pat Kraft says "he's not losing sleep" on Penn State's NIL situation.

- In terms of Beaver Stadium recommendations for renovations or such, it sounds like something should come in the first quarter of next year. Building "new" would probably not be feasible.

Biden sending $8 billion to South Africa

to close coal plants?

I guess it makes sense. The debt is only $31.5 trillion and the Fed balance sheet is only $9 trillion. We can certainly afford to borrow more to give to other countries.


In a bold, courageous and brilliantly planned three step process, Governor Ron DeSantis held a COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Accountability Roundtable in West Palm Beach FL with national and international medical and scientific experts and vaccine-injured patients presenting the facts that demand investigation of these experimental products unleashed on humanity without full disclosure or adequate safety testing and oversight.

Truth for Health Foundation was pleased to have invited representatives, Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD, President and CEO, and Nicole Landers, RN, BSN, CCM, LNC, Director of the Foundation’s COVID Care Strategy team, to be part of the virtual audience in support of Governor DeSantis strategic new initiatives:

  1. Governor DeSantis has petitioned the Florida State Supreme Court to impanel a statewide Grand Jury on COVID-19 vaccines to investigate the misconduct of Big Pharm in deceiving the state regarding dangers of the experimental gene therapy injections.
  2. The Governor directed Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo to initiate a surveillance program to investigate Florida cases of sudden death, modeled after the German autopsy study.
  3. The Governor also formed a Florida Public Health Integrity Committee with a professional panel of physicians, scientists, other experts and patient advocates to evaluate the “narratives” of the CDC and counter the politicized false narrative from the government with accurate science based on the actual data being accumulated worldwide. The panel will provide recommendations for further action.
Governor DeSantis said other states will be joining the efforts, but he did not name others at this time.
All of these steps have been urgently needed since the experimental COVID injections were first rolled out and within weeks, alarming safety signals occurred. Finally, we have a Governor with the courage to investigate Big Pharma and the deceptions and dangers unleashed on the public.

Here is a link to the posted recording of the event. There is a long music lead-in, so you can fast forward to the beginning of the actual program:
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Elon Musk is going to almost single-handedly save society (from itself)...

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Until now, the blind were being blinded while simultaneously being told they have perfect vision. For the first time, Musk is providing the blind with an opportunity to actually see. How will they respond to suddenly being able to see?

This is like a super hero movie, but it's real life.

Raney Bros

I find it surprising that you don't hear much talk about these kids on here? The bigger one beat Forrest (and some other big names), and whether you think is was a 'caught' thing or not, it still shows up as a W on his record. And the smaller one gave Bassett all he could handle at Ironman, giving him his closest match of the tournament. On those lines (and maybe I'm still thinking like a D1 coach), but I think both these boys have a greater upside than some of the kids mentioned on here. Take Bassett for example. Kid gets top of the line coaching at YG and M2, I hear he works out with College kids frequently, and has one of the best kids in the nation as a practice partner. On the other hand, Raney has his brother as his only legit partner, not near the coaching level that Bassett has, and not near the partners. Who do you think has more upside? I personally think Bassett is already a finished product with not much ceiling left, whereas Raney's have not even touched their potential yet.
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