2024-25 PSU Lineup (The Dynasty Continues)

Barr isn't going to be undersized at either 184 or 197. He is a huge 184 pounder if that is where he wrestles and not a small 197 pounder if that is the weight. He is minimum 200 pounds with no fat. While talking with him I was surprised at how big he is.

Careful young man, careful. Watch your words. Tread lightly here, or the thin skinned will get up in arms, carrying torches and pitchforks to ridicule your post, lest you even imply going 197 this year presents a challenge next year for Barr coming back down to 184. Better you tow the line and stay with 'he'll be an undersized 197'. I know of at least one tantrum thrower who can't handle the truth on this subject. :)

Oh, it wasn't a doubting Carter thing. I just think they're both truly elite-elite guys and that's going to be awesome to watch.
The sourpuss look on all those Midwest f#k$ after Carter handles the shit out of Keck is going to be well worth the boatload of dough I'm going to be dropping this year in Philly.

Note: no shade thrown to you @js8793 - you seem like a good guy. The f#k$ thing is just thrown in there for emphasis (and guys like JD and Turk).
2021: Obviously nobody was picking him to beat Kemerer
Carter is on a mission. The guy will win no matter what weight he is penciled in at. The guy knows the legendary status ahead of him. The only person in NCAA history to win 5 titles and do in Philly in March. Let that sink in. This will be a historic season all around. Sit back and enjoy.
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Carter is on a mission. The guy will win no matter what weight he is penciled in at. The guy knows the legendary status ahead of him. The only person in NCAA history to win 5 titles and do in Philly in March. Let that sing in. This will be a historic season all around. Sit back and enjoy.
They should move nationals to Erie lol
First of all, great show

I hope the "their lineup is vulnerable" talks keeps going and one of our guys has the Jason Kelce speech ready for next March

-LL will not be ready for the lights, 125 is cursed
-Nagao ain't healthy, Davis can't do it up at 133
-Bartlett's style will catch up at NCAAs
-SVN won't make it back all the way
-Kasak too small
-Mesenbrink ... well yeah nothing here
-Facundo will choke again, Levi ain't got it when he isn't bigger than the opponent
-Carter can't beat Keckeisen
-Barr too small, Mirasola ain't ready
-Kerk doesn't care, he's doing BJJ

Hopefully Cael is able to address all of this in the next 6-7 months but we know his track record isn't good.

I just request nobody moves the goalposts later if PSU pulls the unthinkable and wins and says "well duh, look at their lineup"
Personally, I think second place is a lot less likely than the scoring record being broken again.

125 - + a lot
133 - + a lot
141 - slight dropoff
149 - =
157 - slight dropoff
165 - +
174 - biggest chance of lost points
184 - significant +
197 - slight dropoff
285 - slight gain
Personally, I think second place is a lot less likely than the scoring record being broken again.

125 - + a lot
133 - + a lot
141 - slight dropoff
149 - =
157 - slight dropoff
165 - +
174 - biggest chance of lost points
184 - significant +
197 - slight dropoff
285 - slight gain
125 - 2 (definite increase)
133 - 3 (TBD but likely increase if we have a placer)
141 - 20 (drop off since Beau had 2 pins last year and it'll be hard to him to replicate that bonus and it's much harder to make the finals)
149 - 19 (same with chance for increase assuming Shayne is 100%)
157 - 26 (definitely a dropoff likely, this is champ plus major bonus, Tyler could make the finals and it's still a large drop)
165 - 19.5 (increase, Mitch is winning and I see more bonus)
174 - 20 (definitely a drop off here even though Carter being hurt didnt' get bonus last year, Keegan is favorite at this class)
184 - 12.5 (increase with Carter here)
197 - 27 (significant drop off under any circumstance, Barr/Mirasola low AAing would still be a near 20 point drop)
285 - 23.5 (same)

My second place comment was a joke since people were talking about the chance for the question marks at PSU to implode but it's really just talented proven kids changing weights and also coming back from injury, both of which Cael takes care of really well
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125 - 2 (definite increase)
133 - 3 (TBD but likely increase if we have a placer)
141 - 20 (drop off since Beau had 2 pins last year and it'll be hard to him to replicate that bonus and it's much harder to make the finals)
149 - 19 (same with chance for increase assuming Shayne is 100%)
157 - 26 (definitely a dropoff likely, this is champ plus major bonus, Tyler could make the finals and it's still a large drop)
165 - 19.5 (increase, Mitch is winning and I see more bonus)
174 - 20 (definitely a drop off here even though Carter being hurt didnt' get bonus last year, Keegan is favorite at this class)
184 - 12.5 (increase with Carter here)
197 - 27 (significant drop off under any circumstance, Barr/Mirasola low AAing would still be a near 20 point drop)
285 - 23.5 (same)

My second place comment was a joke since people were talking about the chance for the question marks at PSU to implode but it's really just talented proven kids changing weights and also coming back from injury, both of which Cael takes care of really well

125 and 197 should come close to balancing each other out. I think a net -5 is a reasonable guess. The same can be said for 157 and 185 with a potential to be a net +.

After that, it's pretty much the same characters with a few weight changes. The biggest question for me is whether or not Haines takes a RS.
I still want to see Carter up at 197, but seeing Barr take out AJ will suit me just fine as well. Heck, looking at what Glazier did last year, I think Cochran has a decent chance.

No matter, 50/50 AJ doesn't navigate his way successfully to March anyway.
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Wow…. Awesome. Could the Nits wrestle an all star team? That would be fantastic. Make it happen Cael. Drop the gauntlet right out of the gate. This will be an historic year.
LOL. Win a dual meet against the entire field. Oof.
Wrestlestat has Davis going at 133 & Nagao taking a medical redshirt. They've also got Levi shirting and Facundo starting at 174. They have the starting line-up projected to be:

Van Ness

A medical redshirt? No such animal. A redshirt is a redshirt unless it is an Olympic redshirt.
Later on down the road if he were to lose the year to injury/illness and wanted he could apply for a 6th year.
Wrestlestat has Davis going at 133 & Nagao taking a medical redshirt. They've also got Levi shirting and Facundo starting at 174. They have the starting line-up projected to be:

Van Ness

For clarity, the ambulance icon is for injury, not necessarily indicating the entire year will be missed.

Andegre adding the shirt icon is likely very premature. Even if it ends up being true, there's no chance Ft. Lorenzo has let that out.
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A medical redshirt? No such animal. A redshirt is a redshirt unless it is an Olympic redshirt.
Later on down the road if he were to lose the year to injury/illness and wanted he could apply for a 6th year.
I hear you. That's just how it was listed on their site, or how I interpreted it, but maybe he's injured & still has a redshirt to use? I may have failed to correctly understand their icons. I'm much better with words. Lol.

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Love that lineup, and seeing Facundo up where it seems most logical. The weight cert reference is probably incorrect. I'll still hold out for Carter at 197 and Barr at 184, to achieve perfection, but you know what they say about opinions!

PS - honestly, and very realistically, 7 finalist in that lineup is far from a stretch. 125, 141, 149, 157, 174, 184, Hwt. One could argue more without breaking much of a sweat. It's hard to believe last year's all time team has already met it's match on paper. Injury and illness is our biggest obstacle.
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That seems like a mistake. He does not have a red shirt to use.
Just my 2 cents. The "medical redshirt" and "redshirt" is not an uncommon misunderstanding. Combined with more than a couple of the wrestling sites are run by super wrestling fans whose enthusiasm for wrestling is great, but knowledge on wrestling rules or redshirt applications are sometimes more subjective based than objective.
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Love that lineup, and seeing Facundo up where it seems most logical. The weight cert reference is probably incorrect. I'll still hold out for Carter at 197 and Barr at 184, to achieve perfection, but you know what they say about opinions!

PS - honestly, and very realistically, 7 finalist in that lineup is far from a stretch. 125, 141, 149, 157, 174, 184, Hwt. One could argue more without breaking much of a sweat. It's hard to believe last year's all time team has already met it's match on paper. Injury and illness is our biggest obstacle.
I like 8 finalists with 10 AAs and greater than 200 points scored.
Barr is the real deal.
PSU is deep in those middle/uppers

What’s everyone seeing for the next few years at
Barr is the real deal.
PSU is deep in those middle/uppers

What’s everyone seeing for the next few years at
I did one the other day. A couple great guys will be left on the bench. That said, 2027-28 may be a lean year because with all the great U20 guys coming onto the team, we may have to deal with an Olympic RS issue.
I did one the other day. A couple great guys will be left on the bench. That said, 2027-28 may be a lean year because with all the great U20 guys coming onto the team, we may have to deal with an Olympic RS issue.
Iron sharpens iron. It’s competitive and the best wrestle.
Barr is the real deal.
PSU is deep in those middle/uppers

What’s everyone seeing for the next few years at
25: Mesenbrink
26: Mesenbrink
27: Mesenbrink
28: Duke

25: Haines
26: Haines
27: Sealey
28: Sealey

25: Barr
26: Ryder
27: Ryder
28: Ryder

25: Starocci
26: Mirasola
27: Mirasola
28: Mirasola

Locked out:
Barr (eventually)

Realistically, some of these guys will have to leave by necessity. They are all AA or better caliber wrestlers, so if any of them do end up in the lineup, I'm perfectly fine with that, too, and I don't want to sound like I'm trashing or giving up on any of them. There's just too much talent for the lineup, and my feeling is that Haines, Mesenbrink, Duke, Sealey, Ryder, and Mirasola are the guys who are most likely to be multiple time champs (Starocci obviously already is), but that's just an opinion, so I could be wrong, too.