I think there's room for both of you to be right. Only Spencer knows for sure, but from all of his public statements and interviews over the years, I'd say at that point it was a little bit of both.I'm interested in some non-McScorely opinions on this bit: "that was more related to what Spencer wanted out of his post competing career and how he wanted Terry's coaching"
I don't think I believe this.
But there's a massive paradox unfolding publicly these days about the role of Folkstyle+College vs Freestyle+International.
I think it's the preeminent discussion in our sport this year. We've got guys like Yanni and Sam Herring now more publicly lamenting the burden they feel to return to Folkstyle, our HS & College rules, after competing at Worlds or Fargo, with their International Freestyle rulesets.
But these young American wrestlers aren't moving to Iran, right? All the Freestyle-First Fans in our country are still stuck with this unsatisfying (to them) reality: we've still got the fans. College Dual attendances still crush even the biggest American Freestyle events. It's been a fascinating summer for me, a Folkstyle fan getting better at appreciating Freestyle, but still being emotionally a baby when I see all my Freestyle fans still using a great Freestyle season (Olympics AND World Championships--and American trials in each!) to poo upon Folk and talk so openly about changing how we raise our children in the sport. "If only we could get these same kids wrestling Free, then all the laundry-fans would just go along with it..."
Anyway, to tie it back to the point, I think Spencer Lee chose Iowa because resurrecting it to defeat the Juggernaut Nittany Lions. Not because of Terry Brands' coaching.
What do you all think?
At the time Spencer committed I think there was a bit of a narrative that you wanted to be there or maybe with Zeke and that Terry B was who you wanted in your corner if you had Olympic type aspirations. Cael and company hadn't really demonstrated the success in terms of world teams and medals.
But at this point, we are in living a completely different universe. I dont care what weight you are. Anyone clinging to a notion that the mecca of USA wrestling is any where other than State College is either Grip220 or possibly Cropduster (master of all things greco). And that's not changing as long as Cael and Co are hanging out their shingle.