**** you b1g shizhole!!! Brisker seals it! Complete bullshit the way b1g clowns tried to take game from PSU (just like last year!!!) AND PROTECTED duhO$U on a far, far, far more patently obvious Targetting Call involving a "Protected Player" - they refused to review the BEYOND OBVIOUS Targetting on duhO$U involving a "Protected Player" under the rule, but then create a review at Wisconsin's request on a play that didn't involve a protected player and was clearly not a hit with the crown of the helmet contrary to the bullshit that the announcer was trying to make up - 13 is hitting him straight up-&-down and clearly the front of his helmet contacts Wisconsin player's helmet AFTER first hitting Wisconsin player's shoulder! Can't be spearing to head if you make first make contact to shoulder DESPITE THE BULLSHIT NONSENSE ANNOUNCER WAS SPOUTING!!!
It was a completely bullshit call because you can't call Spearing (i.e., hitting with crown of your helmet) WHEN THE FIRST CONTACT WAS TO THE SHOULDER OF WISCONSIN PLAYER WITH THE SHOULDER OF PSU PLAYER - contact with front of defensive player's helmet is considered INCIDENTAL when it isn't the first contact and results after first contact! Complete bullshit the way b1g Officials inconsistently called that penalty in duhO$U & PSU games and anyone who can't see clear inconsistencies and "biases" in how those calls were made (or not made) in PSU and duhO$U games is a b1g douche shill.