133: #4 RBY vs. #2 Austin DeSanto
Per 1
DeSanto iin on a single, RBY reaches over for a leg, nearly has a TD but a stoppage for an injury to DeSanto. Trainer working on the knee. Team point taken away from Iowa (not sure why). DeSanto is going. RBY takes bottom, and DeSanto cuts him, 1-0. RBY with a quick TD on an outside trip, 3-0. OOB with 2:16. DeSanto up, RBY has him back down, then OOB with 2:06 left. Caution on ?? (think i t was DeSanto). DeSanto works up, back down, back up, and back down. DeSanto works up, and back down again, then lifted up, then a stall warning on RBY as he was 5 sec on the lower legs, with 1:30 left. DeSanto works out and is in on a leg, then RBY locks up a cradle and the ref stops it for injury to DeSanto. Injury default @ 2:50 for RBY
6-4, PSU