197: Cutch vs. Wilcke
Per 1:
Wilcke shoots, blocked. 2 min left. 1 min left. Not much action. Cutch in on a low single, and gets the TD with 48 sec, 2-0. OOB with 45 sec. Wilcke up quickly and out at 39 sec, 2-1. Cutch reaches for an ankle, nothing. End Cutch has 8 sec of RT
Per 2:
Cutch takes bottom. He's up quickly and out at 1:55, 3-1. Wilcke reaches, nothing. Lots of collar ties. Stall warning on Wilcke. Cutch in on a head inside pick, nothing as he was on the edge and Wilcke threw in a whizzer. Stalemate with 20 sec left. End. RT at 2.9 sec for Cutch
Per 3:
Wilcke up, then out at 1:53, 3-2. RT at 10 sec, so it's no factor. Wilcke shoots from way outside, nothing. 1 min left. Not much action. Wilcke shoots, blocked. He shoots again and gets the TD, 3-4, but a quick esc, 4-4, with 20 sec left. Cutch shoots, blocked. End.
Wilcke shoots, Cutch tried to spin behind, nothing. 20 sec. Very little happening. End
Cutch takes bottom. He's up and does a sitout and gets a rev, 6-4. Stall warning for hanging on the legs with 14 sec. Wilcke up, front trip, Cutch on the legs again, and a warning with 1 sec, 6-5. That kills
Wilcke takes down. He's up, and out at 25 sec, 6-6. End Cutch has 26 sec in RT
nothing thru 30 sec. stalemate at 16 sec. Wilcke reaches, nothing.
Wilcke takes down. Up quickly, and out at 24 sec, 6-7. TO for an eye poke. End
Cutch down. He has 33 sec of RT. He's up, and out at 13 sec, 7-7. End
On RT criteria, Cutch wins 8-7
PSU - 21, Iowa - 11
That cinches the dual for PSU