285: #8 Nick Nevills vs. Matt Lloyd
Per 1
Nevills in on a single, drives thru and gets the TD, 2-0. Working on the right side. Lloyd gets up and out after a bit of a ride, 2-1. Nevills in on another single and drives thru fro another TD, 4-1. Working the right side again. Not a lot of movement by either guy. Lloyd is out, 4-2. Then Nevills in again for a TD, 6-2, and flattens out Lloyd. End.
Per 2
Lloyd chooses neutral. Nevills in on a single and nearly turns Lloyd, 8-2. Nevills up under the chin and he turns Lloyd, and gets swipes, 12-2. Lloyd rolls to his stomach. Nevills cuts Lloyd, 12-3. Nevills in on a low single, drives thru to get the TD, 14-3. End. RT over 3 min
Per 3
Nevills takes bottom. He's up quickly and out, 15-3. Nevills in quickly, gets the TD and tries to get back points. Lloyd doesn't cooperate, so it's 17-3. Nevills trying to run an arm bar, but Lloyd gets the arm free. Nevills cuts Lloyd, but he doesn't get free, then Nevills tries to lock a cradle, can't lock it, and then he turns him, he tightens him, and he gets the pin at the 6:35 mark!!!!!!
48-3, PSU