197: #1 Bo Nickal vs. #11 Eric Schultz
Per 1
Bo shoots on the left, nothing. Bo shoots again, but is blocked. Bo in the right and gets the TD, 2-0. He looks for a cradle but it isn't there. Bo cuts him, 2-1. Bo in on a single, to a double, Schultz tried to roll thru but Bo gets the TD, 4-1. OOB with 46 sec. Schultz to his feet and Bo cuts him, 4-2. Bo in on a left leg but Schultz fights it off. End.
Per 2
Bo takes bottom. Bo to his feet and he's out, 5-2. Bo tries to get a low single, but Schultz blocks. Bo circles behind and gets the TD, 7-2. RT goes over 1 min (it was over 1 before the period, but dropped back below). Schultz out, 7-3. Bo snaps the head, but the buzzer sounds. End. RT @ 1:13 for Bo
Per 3
Schultz takes bottom. Schultz tries to stand, Bo battles him. Bo working a tight waste. Schultz then gets to his feet and Bo basically cuts him, 7-4. Schultz shoots, Bo tries to counter, nothing. Schultz shoots and gets in on a leg, nothing. Under 30 left. Bo pulls down on the head. Bo shoots and Schultz with nice counter double at the double. With RT, it's a 8-6 victory for Bo
22-6, PSU