PSU - Ohio State Dual Thread

285: #3 Cassar vs. #16 Singletary

230.8 vs. 226.6

Per 1
Missed the first 30 sec. Singletary with a lazy reach, nothing. Cassar with a blast double for the TD, 2-0. Singletary to his feet, and Cassar cuts him, 2-1. Cassar with a single leg for a TD, 4-1. Singletary works to his base, nearly his feet, then back down, then up again, and he's out, 4-2. Cassar in on a single to a double for a TD, 6-2. Singletary is flattened. OOB with 1 sec left. (Ref missed that, as they were out several seconds before that.) End. RT @ 1:27 for Cassar.

Per 2
Singletary takes bottom. After about 30 sec, he's to his feet and out, 6-3. Cassar in on a low double and gets the TD, 8-3. Singletary to his feet, and he's out, 8-3. Singletary in on a low single, but Cassar gets hips out and spins behind for the TD, 10-4. Hard to believe Singletary didn't get a TD. Caesar tilts him, but only got a few 1 counts. End. RT @ 2:49 for Cassar

Per 3
Caesar takes bottom. He works up, and is out in 4 sec, 11-4. Singletary shoots, Cassar counters with a single for the TD, 13-4. Singletary up and gets out, 13-5. RT is locked. Caesar with a duck under and gets the TD, 15-5. Cassar working on a tilt but can't get it. 30 sec left. Singletary to his feet and out, 15-6, and Cassar in on a quick single, 17-6. Cassar gets sloppy and gets reversed, 17-8. With 3:52 of RT, it's an 18-8 major

28-6, PSU
Seriously, are you kidding me! The faces we've put on Tom Ryan the last two years are simply amazing! Hey fellow PSU fans:

RIP Lemmy
It's easy to say that when PSU is on a roll, but we have to be on guard against getting too confident. These guys are human, and $hit happens. I gave you post a like, as I agree in part, but I'd rather be nervous than over confident.
We are fans. We can be too confident. None of us are on the mat...
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125: Devin Schnupp vs. Malik Heinselman

Per 1
Malik tries a duck, nothing. Schnupp shoots from way out, nothing. Malik with a throw-by for a TD, 0-2. Schnupp got a little sloppy with his weight placement. Schnupp and out, 1-2. Malik tries a single, nothing. End.

Per 2
Malik takes bottom. He sits out and is out, 1-3. Malik in on a single, Devin reaches over for an ankle, they scramble, and Malik gets behind for the TD, 1-5. Stoppage for blood time for Schnupp. Schnapps then thrown back down, then up and out, 2-5. End. RT @ 26 sec for Malik

Per 3
Schnupp takes bottom. He works to his feet and is out, 3-5. RT @ 43 sec for Malik. Malik shoots, nothing. 1 min left. Malik gets a low single, Schnupp does a split but Malik with a TD, 3-7. Quick esc for Schnupp, 4-7. 30 sec left. Schnupp with a shot, nothing. Schnupp with another shot, nothing. End. 4-7 decision for Malik

Final: 28-9, PSU
A dominating performance.

What are the positives for tOSU: well, the Buckeyes beat a backup and far undersized guy (184) with their #1 wrestler, an unranked wrestler (125), and with their top 5 wrestler (barely) a guy who is competing for the starting spot (149). That's got to be pretty disappointing.

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