Xavier Truss

2019 3 or 4* out of Rhode Island. He badly wanted to go to PSU & if memory serves me right, even camped at PSU. Shortly after not getting scholly offer he went to Ga and Smart gave him offer the first day on campus. He’s in his 3rd year and a starter on the OL, at 6’7” 320 lbs. Does anyone remember this kid’s recruitment and know why CJF would not offer him? Was it his weight? Grades? Performance? Thx.


Congrats Md on the win, but that was one ugly game to watch. Turnovers & fieldgoals. A couple of things of note from this game: game analyst said Md has had the most production from their TE unit in the Big10, the past two seasons. Who knew?! Both game analysts were gushing over Tagvailoa & his difficult decision of declaring for the draft. I know he was w/o his top 3 receivers, but he played awful. I’ve watched him play several times & he’s a turnover machine. Getting drafted seems a pipe dream.

The complete and total failure of the Jan. 6 committee

Epic failure.....

If you want to see just how out of touch with reality the Democratic Party has gotten itself over the Jan. 6 riot, look no further than former FBI agent Peter Strzok. The adulterous and unethical FBI agent told MSNBC this week, “If you look at the scale in terms of the threat to democracy — I mean, 9/11 was a tragedy. We lost thousands of lives in a horrific way that we still mourn to this day, but when you look at something that is an attack on democracy, something that could actually bring about a fundamental change to American governance as we understand it, 9/11 is nothing compared to January 6.”

So a protest that turned into a riot in which one rioter was killed by police is a very big deal compared to the mere intentional murder of thousands of innocent Americans. Got it.

Democrats think 9/11 is “nothing” compared to Jan. 6. No wonder their party is cruising toward an epic beating this November.

If you think Strzok is alone in his Jan. 6 delusions, just look at Harvard University’s latest poll asking voters to identify what are the “most important issues of the day.” Republicans said immigration (37%), inflation (24%), and jobs (21%). The nation as a whole said inflation (37%), jobs (29%), and immigration (23%). Pretty much the same.

But Democrats are on their own fantasy island where the second- and third-most important issues of the day are climate change (23%) and women’s rights (25%). And the No. 1 issue facing the country today, according to Democrats? You guessed it: Jan. 6 (27%).

Much of the blame for the Democratic Party’s freak-out over the regrettable occurrences that day belongs to the House committee investigating the riot, which has endlessly hyped and distorted the events leading up to Jan. 6 and the actual events of that day.

In perhaps the most blatantly partisan and cynical move by the committee, it deliberately leaked texts obtained by staff through its subpoena power to the press for the express purpose of trying to unseat a Republican senator.

Souyhwest Air is a poorly managed concern - big troubles

They canceled so many flights and have baggage spread all over the place - just not where it should be. They will be sued up the ying-yang for sure. What ever did they do with the Covid assistance funds they received - besides paying huge dividends. They have what must be the worst software and systems people in the industry. I wouldn't be surprised to see them go belly-up.
I'm so glad I never flew on that disaster.

Southwest Airlines received over $7B in federal pandemic aid prior to cancelation chaos​

Buffalo Christmas hero takes action/saves lives while the government sat on its hands.

His actions saved the lives of many of the 25 people he directed from their stranded cars during the blizzard.

This is the hero, the white supremacist male patriarchy, racist.


AND these are the people his actions likely saved from freezing to death. Notice he chose only to save other white supremacists.


Notice also Laffy Bear wearing the white dog costume. ;)

Scouting New PSU CB Storm Duck, North Carolina Transfer

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Watched 4 of his games from UNC. More than a cool name, he brings a physical presence to the secondary that will be lacking with JPJ playing on Sundays next fall. With that said, I don't think it's a lock that Storm starts Week 1. In fact, I'm not quite sure why he felt PSU was the best spot for him. Guess he's not afraid of competition.
