Kraft on Cael at Media Days

"He's the GOAT. He can be here for as long as he wants. My thing with Cael, I don't know the specifics. He is signed up, which I am very happy about. I think there's as great as Cael is, there's things we have to do to continue to support him. He is special. That whole program is special. I'm no fool. I'm not getting in the way of what Cael wants to do, but I think there are pieces that we have to help him there. Look, the NIL space is not just a football thing. It's in every aspect of our organization, but I'm happy. I'm very happy that Cael is locked up with us. In fact, I was just going back and forth with him yesterday about some stuff. It's a big deal."

Nate Silver moves Senate from toss-up to GOP "slightly favored"

Less than 24 hours out, his latest update has it 56-44 (odds, not seats). That's the highest it's been in favor of Republicans since movement in the GOP's direction began a few weeks ago.

House holding at 83-17 GOP, which actually represents some tiny erosion over the last six days:

Paypal Down $6 billion in value after censorship policy made public

"PayPal, which has deplatformed multiple entities and commentators for their political and social views, had unveiled an upcoming change to its acceptable use policy that would have banned the promotion of “misinformation,” as well as “hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory.” Within one day of The Daily Wire breaking news of the policy change, PayPal claimed that the new guidelines were published “in error” and apologized “for the confusion this has caused.”

I hope these miserable pieces of sh*t go out of business. Disgusting that a financial company would decide that it had the right to police the political views of its customers.

Dem-Media phrase of the day: "Red Mirage"

The Hive has already adopted it, and the little bees are buzzing in unison.

The "Red Mirage" is what happens when Republicans run up leads on election night and think they've actually, you know, won.

Not so fast, my friend.

Not until all those millions of mythical mail-in and absentee ballots are counted. It turns out this could take several days. Patience, grasshopper. The wheels of Sacred Democracy are turning.

Which brings us to the second Dem-Media phrase of the day: "This is the way the process is supposed to work." Over the last 36 hours I've heard this several times from the mouths of Dem-Mediacrats...and they weren't even giggling.

It's pure gaslighting of course. This is NOT the way the process is supposed to work. This is NOT the way the process ever worked...except in 2020 when Dem-Media discovered the wonders of winning elections by counting alleged millions of ballots in backrooms long after the actual vote occurred on a calendar date once quaintly called "Election Day."

The handwriting is on the wall here. We need cheat-proof margins or we're gonna see a replay of November 2020.

Ballot Curing in Pennsylvania

PA Cities And Dem Volunteers Rush To Help Voters Replace Flawed Ballots​

With help from left-wing organizations, the largest urban cities and counties in the battleground state of Pennsylvania are going all-out to help thousands of voters replace flawed ballots submitted via mail.

Pennsylvania law requires that voters "shall...fill out, date and sign the declaration"
printed on the ballot's outer envelope. Republicans have been litigating to ensure that election officials follow the law and invalidate ballots with improperly prepared envelopes.

Depending on where you live, it seems any date will do just fine. "There has been evidence that at least some Pennsylvania counties have deemed any date to be acceptable, even dates in the future," according to the Associated Press.

Last Tuesday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ordered state election boards "to refrain from counting any absentee and mail-in ballots received for the November 8, 2022 general election that are contained in undated or incorrectly dated outer envelopes.”
Democrats have far more to lose: More than 1.1 million mail-in and absentee ballots have already been submitted, and roughly 70% of the ballots are from registered Democrats. The Department of State has not specifiedhow many ballots across the state are flawed, but it's believed to be at least 7,000 and counting -- in a state where victory margins could be razor-thin with Senate control at stake.

In 2020, Philadelphia alone had 8,300 undated ballots -- and counted every one of them after the state Supreme Court ruled they should be counted across the state in 2020 but never again. More litigation on the issue ensued.

In the wake of the Supreme Court order, some county governments started trying to notify voters who failed to properly follow the printed ballot instructions -- most notably and impactfully, Philadelphia County and Allegheny County, which is home to Pittsburgh.

The vote-repair effort is most intense in Philadelphia county, where the final 2020 tally gave Biden 81% of the vote. Over the weekend, city officials posted the names of more than 2,000 people who'd submitted invalid ballots, and encouraged them to go to City Hall to try voting again.

County-level 2020 presidential election results (via Politico)

The Democratic Party and other left-wing organizations then leapt into action. Shoshanna Israel, a member of the Working Families Party in Philadelphia, told the Washington Post that 250 volunteers signed up for a Monday-evening phone-bank session to contact errant voters.

Other volunteers gave pizza, snacks and bottled water to voters waiting in line at City Hall that reportedly had people waiting for upwards of two hours. One activist told the Post that, at 3:45pm Monday, city officials notified some would-be re-voters that they wouldn't make it to the office before it closed. Upset voters prompted the arrival of sheriff's deputies, but there were no reports of violence...yet -- Election Day could be more boisterous.

In Allegheny County, the AFL-CIO found that 147 of the failed votes belonged to its members. A phone bank had reached some 100 of them by 5 pm on election eve and was going to keep working into the night.

Not all counties are trying to alert voters. "We’ve never cured ballots in Lancaster County," county commissioner Joshua G. Parsons told the Post. "It’s a questionable procedure.”

Monday's "try-again" line at Philadelphia City Hall (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

The Monroe County Republican Party asked a court to block the ballot-correcting blitz, saying it was tantamount to an illegal "pre-canvas" of mail ballots, which are required to be kept secure until counting begins at 7am on Election Day. Monroe County, in eastern Pennsylvania, is considered a swing county.

The court refused to issue an injunction, saying the GOP "has not shown a strong likelihood of success at this very early stage of litigation," and that -- since many voters had already been notified of their errors -- "it would adversely affect the public interest to grant the injunction."

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, names on the list of flawed ballots include Comcast CEO Brian L. Roberts, 2022 mayoral candidate Derek Green and high-profile defense attorney Charles Peruto, who was last year's GOP nominee for district attorney.

Penina Bernstein told the Washington Post that she'd be flying home to Pennsylvania from Colorado to replace her ballot: "I will be there to fix it tomorrow, because my voice will not be silenced by voter suppression.”

