141 Semis: Lee vs. Joey McKenna (Ohio St)
Lee is 1-2 against McKenna. All 3 bouts decided by 1 point.
Per 1
McKenna with an early reach, nothing. Lee with a half-hearted reach, nothing. McKenna shoots, Lee sprawls and nearly countered, but nothing. McKenna shoots from far out, nothing. 1:20 left. McKenna gets a single, Lee sprawls, and a stalemate with 44 sec. That was the closest to a TD so far, but it wasn't that close. McKenna shoots, nothing. Stall warning on Lee. End
Per 2
Lee takes bottom. He tried to hit a switch, nothing. Lee works up, to his feet, and McKenna drives him off but not OOB, and eventually OOB with 1:16 left. Lee with a roll but McKenna stays with him. RT goes over 1 min. Lee spins out, 1-0. Lee seems active, shoots, nothing. End. RT @ 1:05 for McKenna
Per 3
McKenna takes bottom. McKenna up quickly, but can't get out until RT is @ 57 sec, 1-1. McKenna shoots, gets in deep, and gets the TD, 1-3. Lee tries to hit a switch, nothing. He tries again, and Lee bounces him OOB, and gets hit with a stall warning. 1:03 left. Lee to his feet, and he's out, 2-3. RT @ 1:29 for McKenna, so Lee needs a TD. 40 sec left. Lee got close but McKenna controlled the wrist. OOB with 19 sec. Stall call on McKenna, so it's 3-3. OOB with 3 sec left. Damn. End. With 1:29, it'a a 4-3 decision for McKenna
Another 1-point match between these guys.