2024 U20 Worlds - September 2-8

57kg Gold - Luke Lilledahl VS Lev Pavlov (AIN)

Let's go Luke! Cody is in Luke's corner.
Here we go. Tying up & hand fighting, circling in the center, fighting for position. Luke snaps, nothing. Back to tying up & hand fighting. Luke reaches for a leg, nothing, 5-min left.
Luke with a hard snap, stoppage, Pavlov passivity warning, restart
Tying up, Luke snaps, nothing. Luke coming forward a little, passivity warning #2 Pavlov, goes on the clock, restart.
Tying up in the center & circling, but not much more. Shot clock point Luke, 1-0, 3:55 left
Back to the tie up & circling. Some snaps & hand fighting, but not much more. Luke passivity warning. 3:25 left
Pavlov drives forward, nothing & they're back to the tie up & that's how the period ends. Not much action by either wrestler.

Back to it & the tie up, Luke drags Pavlov to the mat, but can't find an opening & they're back to their feet, tying up & circling.
Passivity warning #2 Luke, goes on the clock.
Luke shoots off the whistle, nothing. Luke with another half shot, nothing. Pavlov with solid defense. Pavlov shot clock point, 1-1, adv Pavlov.
Still circling & tying up, Luke gets to an ankle, but Pavlov gets free. Luke has Pavlov on the edge now, but there's a stoppage & passivity warning #3 for Pavlov, back on the clock
More pushing & circling
Luke another shot clock point, 2-1, under a minute now.
More pushing & circling, Pavlov with some half shots, Luke fights them off. Pavlov shooting, but Luke defends it all & wins GOLD!

Luke Lilledahl DEC Lev Pavlov 2-1

Luke wins Gold!
65kg Bronze - Bo Bassett VS Nikoloz Geshidze (GEO)

Tying up, Geshidze coming forward, Bo on his knees, Geshidze keeps coming forward, but Bo circles back in. Geshidze tries something & is working for a takedown, but Bo counters & gets it, 2-0 Bo, working for a turn, trying to lock up a cradle, but no dice, restart.
Bo over the top, Geshidze on his knees & stoppage & warning for Bo, restart
Bo shoots, gets a leg & finishes the TD, 4-0. Stoppage & Bo warned for something again. Restart, Bo over the top working the head, but nothing. Geshidze drops in on a leg, Bo countering, scrambling & Bo comes around for the TD, 6-0. Great Scrambling. Bo has the legs laced & adds a turn & another for the quick 10-0 tech. What a performance by Bo!

Bo Bassett TECH Nikoloz Geshidze 10-0 (2:20)

Bo takes Bronze!
65kg Bronze - Bo Bassett VS Nikoloz Geshidze (GEO)

Tying up, Geshidze coming forward, Bo on his knees, Geshidze keeps coming forward, but Bo circles back in. Geshidze tries something & is working for a takedown, but Bo counters & gets it, 2-0 Bo, working for a turn, trying to lock up a cradle, but no dice, restart.
Bo over the top, Geshidze on his knees & stoppage & warning for Bo, restart
Bo shoots, gets a leg & finishes the TD, 4-0. Stoppage & Bo warned for something again. Restart, Bo over the top workign the head, but nothing. Geshidze drops in on a leg, Bo countering, scrambling & Bo comes around for the TD, 6-0. Great Scrambling. Bo has the legs laced & adds a turn & another for the quick tech
he was pissed off.
70kg Bronze - PJ Duke VS Aikyn Bolatuly (KAZ)

Here we go! Straight to the tie up, Bolatuly with an arm drag & takes PJ out of bounds for 4, 4-0 Bolatuly, restart.
PJ shoots, gets to a leg, but Bolatuly is fighting him off & they go out of bounds, no scoring, restart.
Hand fighting & looking for an opening. PJ with a 2 on 1, hits a low single off it, is trying to add a turn, but nothing, restart, 5-min left Sweet move by PJ!
PJ back to the 2 on 1 & hits the same move a 2nd time for another TD, 4-4, adv PJ, restart
Circling, PJ drops to a leg, but Bolatuly fights him off, PJ with a seat belt now & they go out of bounds, point PJ, 5-4, restart, 4-min left
Tying up, PJ hits the same move a 3rd time & adds a turn, 9-4.
It's a 2 on 1 & then he drops down to a low leg.
PJ gets to a leg, works around for the TD, & adds a turn, 13-4, Bolatuly gets a reversal & it's 13-5, restart.
Bolatuly with a body lock & a throw for a TD & it's 13-7, & that's how the period ends.

Bolatuly blood time before the period even starts
Back to action. Tying up, PJ reaches for a leg, nothing & again, gets it this time, but Bolatuly with great defense. PJ keeps coming forward & takes Bolatuly out of bounds, 14-7, restart
Circling & tying up. PJ drops to a low leg shot, then backs out. 2-min left.
PJ reaches for a leg, switches to the other, Bolatuly whizzers, but PJ limp arms it & gets the TD, exposing Bolatuly in the process for 2+2 & it's a dominant 18-7 TECH.

PJ Duke TECH Aikyn Bolatuly 18-7 (4:28)

PJ takes Bronze!
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I found it a little funny--given the criticism AB got for shooting late to milk the clock after he had been warned in his Oly Semi. The best way to do this is to keep scoring. Seems easy enough, lol.
lol. Fair.

Aaron’s problem was that he was just gassed. Shot or no shot, he was getting run down.

My biggest problem is that he was warned. And then he did the same thing. They’re going to hit you for it every time.
The Russian 86 looks really good too. Looking forward to that final!
He is ranked #13 in the world on the senior level. He also won Russian nationals this year where he beat last years 79kg world champ Usmanov in the finals and won U20’s last year as well. Barr is wrestling incredibly well and has exceeded my expectations but Kadiev is a different beast. I hope I’m wrong again but Barr is the underdog for sure
79kg Gold - Zack Ryder VS Alp Arslan Begenjov (TKM)

Casey in Ryder's corner. Zack with a head wrap.
Here we go, Tying up, Ryder coming forward a bit & they break.
Ryder looking for an under hook, nothing & back to the tie up. Begenjov looking for an under hook now & they break, stoppage, Ryder passivity warning, restart
Ryder snaps Begenjov to the mat, working, but then they're back on their feet in the center of the mat.
Ryder reaches for a leg, nothing & back to the tie up. Ryder working an under hook, Begenjov on his knees on the edge, stoppage & restart.
Tying up, Begenjov snaps, then stoppage & Ryder passivity warning #2, goes on the clock.
Tying up & circling, 4-min left.
Shot clock point Begenjov, 1-0
Ryder snaps Begenjov down, but can't finish anything.
Passivity warning Begenjov, restart, 3:30 left
Circling now & then tying up & that's how the period ends.
1-0 Begenjov

Ryder throws in a hard under hook off the whistle, but can't get anything off it. Back to center, Begenjov drops in on a single & drives Ryder out of bounds, 2-0, restart, 2:30 left
Tying up, Ryder looking for the under hook again. They're scrambling, but then wind up back on their feet, circling in the center.
Ryder coming forward, Begenjov on the edge on his knees, Ryder working to come around, Begenjov fighting & Ryder kind of slips as they go out of bounds & exposes his back, 2 for Begenjov, 4-0, restart, 1:20 left
Ryder coming forward again, Begenjov back to his knees. Ryder drives him out, but he's grounded, restart. 1-min left
Ryder coming forward again, looking for an opening. Begenjov on his knees on the edge again, stoppage, restart, 30-sec left, Ref warning Begenjov for passivity, but he doesn't go on the clock.
Ryder coming forward off the whistle, Begenjov drops to a leg, Ryder working to come around, they're scrambling, Ryder keeps working & appears to get an exposure, but no points awarded & the period expires.
Ryder challenging
Challenge lost, point Begenjov & score changed to 5-0

Alp Arslan Begenjov DEC Zack Ryder 5-0

Zack takes Silver!
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Begenjov’s defense was incredible that match. There were 2 sequences where Zack scores probably 99% of the time and not only did he not score but he gave up 2 on the edge. Great job by both guys. Ryder had a great tournament

Also, LJ Araujo took bronze beating Saidulov in the bronze medal bout. Great performance. He is headed to Nebraska this year
97kg Bronze - Justin Rademacher VS Nikolaos Karavanos (GRE)

Last match of the day!
Tying up, Karavanos on his knees, then back to his feet & they break.
Tying up again. Justin snapping, now working a 2 on 1, has Karavanos on the edge & takes him out, but no points, wow, restart.
Back to the tie up, Justin snaps, gets to a leg & gets the TD as they go out of bounds, 2-0, restart, 4:56 left
Tying up. Justing with an under hook, jacks Karavanos up & drives him out for 1 more, 3-0, restart
Justin fakes, Karavanos shoots, Justin counters for another TD, 5-0, restart, 4:15 left
Tying up, Karavanos snaps, nothing, Justin back to an under hook, drops to a leg & gets another TD as they go out of bounds, 7-0, restart
Tying up, Justin coming forward a little, then shoots, but nothing.
Chest to chest on the edge & Justin takes Karavanos out of bounds again, 8-0, 3:30 left
Justin comes forward, gets to the legs & finishes off the TD for the TECH

Justin Rademacher TECH Nikolaos Karavanos 10-0 (2:38)

Justin takes Bronze! Team USA goes 5 for 5 in the medal round with a gold, a silver & 3 bronze!
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Rademacher wins bronze with a 10-0 tech!

These USA boys came to wrestle!

Also, what happened to Babaloo?! Won this tournament last year and this year he got teched and pinned and doesn’t even place. This is such a tough tournament
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Rademacher wins bronze with a 10-0 tech!

These USA boys came to wrestle!

Also, what happened to Babaloo?! Won this tournament last year and this year he teched and pinned and doesn’t even place. This is such a tough tournament
Babaloo got pinned in the first repechage round by Karavanos.
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Rademacher wins bronze with a 10-0 tech!

These USA boys came to wrestle!

Also, what happened to Babaloo?! Won this tournament last year and this year he teched and pinned and doesn’t even place. This is such a tough tournament
for when he got pinned, his gut got countered and he got put onto his back. Still not a good performance but wasn’t like he just got dominated
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That's it until Noon Eastern tomorrow. All remaining wrestlers have already advanced to the medal round.

Gold matches:
74kg - Lararion Lockett VS A. Rezaeiaghouz (IRI)
86kg - Josh Barr VS I. Kadiev (AIN)
125kg - Ben Kueter VS A. Masoumi (IRI)

Bronze matches:

61kg - Marcus Blaze VS A. Midlovets (AIN) or T. Ozbek (TUR)
92kg - Connor Mirasola VS I. Chaplin (KGZ) or A. Singh (IND) or A. Jafarli (AZE)
That's it until Noon Eastern tomorrow. All remaining wrestlers have already advanced to the medal round.

Gold matches:
74kg - Lararion Lockett VS A. Rezaeiaghouz (IRI)
86kg - Josh Barr VS I. Kadiev (AIN)
125kg - Ben Kueter VS A. Masoumi (IRI)

Bronze matches:
61kg - Marcus Blaze VS A. Midlovets (AIN) or T. Ozbek (TUR)
92kg - Connor Mirasola VS I. Chaplin (KGZ) or A. Singh (IND) or A. Jafarli (AZE)
Ok St got a good one in Lockett.
Team title clenched. Unreal performances across the board.

Going 10/10 in medals would be insane, yet now well within reach.
Best US U20 team ever! Every single one showed up and performed. Unreal performance

Really tough matches tomorrow. I think we are the underdog in all 3 gold medal matches. Masoumi, Kadiev, and Rezaei were my 3 biggest favorites coming in. I think Lockett has the best chance. I don’t give Kueter much chance at all. Masoumi is so good and he’s just massive. I’m not sure how Kueter doesn’t get pushed all over the mat. Barr is wrestling better than I’ve ever seen him. I think Kadiev is a pretty big favorite though but there are always upsets and I’m hoping this is one of them

Bronze medal bouts are tough as well. Blaze will have his hands full with either Midlovets or Ozbek but I think Blaze pulls it off. I have Jafarli getting to the bronze match to face Mirasola. Jafarli is really good and should give Connor a good match but I’m picking Mirasola to win.
I don’t give Kueter much chance at all. Masoumi is so good and he’s just massive. I’m not sure how Kueter doesn’t get pushed all over the mat.

Masoumi is a big favorite, for sure. Maybe false hope, but he looked human in his semis. Ben going to have to avoid the underhook and look for sweep singles. Get the big boy off balance and stay out from underneath him. Much easier said than done, of course
Yamashita and Ono are just incredible. Last year it was Nishiuchi, the kid who beat Lilledahl in the finals. Japan is producing some really amazing wrestlers right now
Their HWT is a real problem too.

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I posted this about Barr on the Hawkeye board:

Barr looks strong. One of the "concerns" was his straight on shots. He appears to have that figured out now. Still fairly straight on, but no problems today sucking in the legs to finish.
I posted this about Barr on the Hawkeye board:

Barr looks strong. One of the "concerns" was his straight on shots. He appears to have that figured out now. Still fairly straight on, but no problems today sucking in the legs to finish.
Seemed a bit better this tournament with angles and much better set-ups. Still got extended underneath at times but he’s insanely strong from that position. He’s able to suck in the legs from positions most guys can’t. His length is a real benefit here as well. I think set ups are the key for Josh. Hes shown he can be effective with barely any set-up and not creating angles but his conversion rate will go up dramatically if he continues showing progress like he did these past couple days.
definitely. I just think Aitmukhan is that good. He gave Taz arguably his toughest match of the last 2 years at 2024 Asians
Agreed. That’s why it is so weird they took Yergali to the Olympics instead of Aitmukhan. Aitmukhan went 4-2 with Taz, won a world title, and was wrestling great but KAZ left him at home. Maybe Yergali owns him in practice or something because results wise everything leans toward Aitmukhan
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Finally went to bed at four this morning after having stayed up the whole night yesterday. Overall, our guys put in some great performances. I just watched Mirasola's semi. You could see Casey imploring Connor to engage, and Casey's frustration when Connor didn't. That was a painful lesson for Connor and I'm sure he will learn from it. I agree with a previous poster that our wrestlers need work in this area and hopefully our coaches are or will be drilling these situations.

Honestly, out of all our matches so far, Connor's and Duke's are the only ones that jump out at me as ones that got away. Duke's match with Baitukaev's feigned injuries and laying on the mat was atrocious. A few caution and one's by the officials might help. Also, grounding is a big issue in my mind. Zack's semi was a prime example. His opponent grounded himself every time Zack got a decent underhook. Repeatedly grounding yourself should also warrant a caution and one.

One last thing. I see our wrestlers' offense getting slowed down repeatedly by their opponents interlocking our fingers. Is keeping your lead hand in a ball a realistic defense to this or do you think it would be counter productive to getting to our offense?
One last thing. I see our wrestlers' offense getting slowed down repeatedly by their opponents interlocking our fingers. Is keeping your lead hand in a ball a realistic defense to this or do you think it would be counter productive to getting to our offense?
It's illegal. From the UWW rulebook -- "Article 19 - The Referee":
The referee must:
- Strictly prevent the wrestler from grasping or interlocking fingers.

Refs need to do their job with that, and the coaches should remind them if they see it.