2024 U20 Worlds - September 2-8

1/8 Final (R16) - 57kg - Luke Lilledahl VS Kabe Matjanov (TKM)

Tying up & both looking for an opening
Luke shoots for a leg, nothing, back in on a leg, looses it, but gets it back & gets behind Matjanov for a TD, 2-0, has the legs laced & gets a turn & another & another & another for a quick 10-0 Tech

Luke Lilledahl TECH Kabe Matjanov (1:06)
1/4 Final - Zackary Ryder VS Paulius Lescauskas (LTU)

Missed the ver beginning, it's 2-0 Ryder with 5:30 left, restart
Ryder lookin gfor an underhood, Lescauskas backs out
Lescauskas tries an arm spin, Ryder counters & comes around for another TD, 4-0, restart
Circling & pushing
Lescauskas passivity warning, restart, 4:38 left
Ryder looking for an under hook, snaps Lescauskas down & gets another TD, 6-0, tries to get a turn, but can't complete it.
Ref at the table for something, Back to action
Ryder driving forward, Lescauskas on the edge on his knees, Ryder keeps working & gets a push out, 7-0, restart, 3:52 left
Ryder snaps, reaches for a leg, then comes behind for another TD, 9-0, gets the legs laced & adds a turn for the TECH!

Zackary Ryder TECH Paulius Lescauskas 11-0 (2:33)
Khaled Dassan

1/4 Final - 57kg - Luke Joseph Lilledahl VS Ankush Ankush (IND)

Luke in on a double quick & gets the TD, 2-0, working for a turn, but nothing, restart, 5:40 left
Tying up & hand fighting, Ankush shoots, Luke counters, nothing
Back to center circling & tying up, Luke throw by, tries to come around for the TD, but Ankush fights him off. Luke back in on an ankle, has Ankush on the edge, but nothing, restart
Circling & tying up, Ankush head tap & fakes, then a half shot
Ankush snaps & comes behind for a slick TD, 2-2, working for a turn, but nothing, 3:43 left
Luke snaps, looking for more, but nothing. Ankush with solid defense.
The period ends 2-2, adv Ankush

Back to action, Ankush snaps, nothing
Luke looking for a leg, nothing, both seem a little more active now
Ankush ducks, nothing, Luke counters & gets another TD, 4-2, no turn, restart, 2:06 left
Tying up & pushing, then breaking & circling
Blood time Ankush, 1:55 left
Back to action, Tying up & circling, then breaking, Luke in on an ankle, but looses it. Finger warning, restart, 1:32 left
Ankush coming forward, ducks, but can't get to the legs. Luke reaches for a leg, nothing, Ankush counters with a whizzer & it's a stalemate, restart, 1:01 left
Ankush shoots for a leg, Luke fight him off & we're back to center
Ankush coming forward, Luke on the edge, but he turns & comes back to center
Ankush driving forward, Luke sprawling & they go out of bounds, no points
Ankush coming forward again, Luke fighting him off, but gets a caution +1 as they go out of bounds & it's 4-3 as the period expires.

Luke Joseph Lilledahl DEC Ankush Ankush 4-3
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The Indian was big, strong, and quick. Noticeable difference from Luke's first opponent where LL's length was apparent.

You could see when Ankush fought off Luke's 2nd TD attempt it was going to be rough sledding. He had to use all of his slickness to pull that one out.
1/4 Final - 70kg - Peter John Duke VS Ankh Erdene Altangerel (MGL)

Right into one more. Tying up, PJ looking for an under hook, circling, Altangerel looking for the under hook too, they're on the edge & PJ gets a step out, 1-0
Back to center, tying up & hand fighting, PJ coming Forward, working a 2 on 1, has Altangerel on the edge & stalemate, restart
Altangerel reaches for a double, PJ counters & comes around for a TD, 3-0, restart, 4:29 left
PJ coming forward, Altangerel looking for an under hook, warning & restart for something
Circling & tying up, PJ pushes forward, reaches for an ankle & gets another TD, 5-0, 3:45 left
Tying up, PJ coming forward again, Altangerel on the edge & PJ drives him out for another point, 6-0 & the period expires.

Circling, Altangerel shoots for another double, but PJ fights him off, back to center. PJ coming forward, gets to the leg again & gets another TD, 8-0, restart, 2:06 left
PJ coming forward off the whistle, Altangerel reaches for a leg, PJ Counters, Altangerel counters & takes PJ out of bounds, 8-1, restart
Tying up, Altangerel shoots, PJ counters & comes around for another TD, 10-1, adds a turn & it's a 12-1 TECH!

PJ Duke TECH Ankh Erdene Altangerel 12-1 (4:42)
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1/4 Final - 65kg - Bowen William Bassett VS Nikhil Yadav Pilanagoila (IND)

Ripping through the matches now.
Tying up, hand fighting & looking for an opening, Pilanagoila shoots, nothing
Bo shoots, nothing & they're back to center circling. Pilanagoila comes forward, nothing & back to center.
Passivity warning Bo
Bo snaps & comes around for a TD, 2-0, restart, 4:30 left
Tying up, Bo reaches for the legs, but backs out, Pilanagoila shoots & gets a TD, 2-2, adv Pilanagoila, restart, 3:50 left
Bo snaps, Pilanagoila drives in & gets to Bo's legs, Bo counters & gets another TD, 4-2, restart, 3:23 left & the period ends there.

Tying up, Bo fakes, Pilanagoila drops to a double & drives Bo out of bounds, 4-4, restart
Tying up & circling, Bo with a collar tie, gets to a leg, still has the head & locks up a cradle. He rolls Pilanagoila over & gets the FALL! What a sweet move!

Bowen William Bassett FALL Nikhil Yadav Pilanagoila (3:45)
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1/4 Final - 97kg - Justin Lee Rademacher VS Ramini Gulitashvili (GEO)

Here we go! Last quarter final match.
Tying up & pushing, but not much more action.
Justin snapping hard, Gulitashvili complaining about it
Passivity warning Gulitashvili
More circling & pushing
2nd passivity warning Gulitashvili, goes on the clock
Shot clock point Justin, 1-0
Not much action in this match, Gulitashvili just standing there like a stump, Justin looking for an opening, but can't move the stump.
Ref calling for action, there's a little flurry of activity, but nothing more as the period expires

Justin reaches for a leg off the whistle, Gulitashvili fights it off, Justin back in on a leg, Gulitashvili fights it off again & we're back to center circling & hand fighting. Justin tries an under hook, no luck & back to hand fighting before they break.
Justin looking for an opening, Gulitashvili blocking everything
Gulitashvili with a 3rd passivity warning, goes back on the clock
2nd shot clock point Justin, 2-0
Justin drives in on a power double & gets a TD, 4-0, looking for a turn, but can't get it, restart, 1:07 left
Gulitashvili slow back to center
Straight to the tie up, Justin snaps, nothing
Justin reaches for an ankle, nothing
Gulitashvili not doing anything
Fingers warning, restart, tying up & not much more, Gulitashvili with a couple shots at the end, but no luck. He should have tried that a little earlier.

Justin Lee Rademacher DEC Ramini Gulitashvili 4-2

Everyone wrestling today moves on into the semi-finals.
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1/4 Final - 57kg - Luke Joseph Lilledahl VS Ankush Ankush (IND)

Luke in on a double quick & gets the TD, 2-0, working for a turn, but nothing, restart, 5:40 left
Tying up & hand fighting, Ankush shoots, Luke counters, nothing
Back to center circling & tying up, Luke throw by, tries to come around for the TD, but Ankush fights him off. Luke back in on an ankle, has Ankush on the edge, but nothing, restart
1/4 Final - 57kg - Luke Joseph Lilledahl VS Ankush Ankush (IND)

Luke in on a double quick & gets the TD, 2-0, working for a turn, but nothing, restart, 5:40 left
Tying up & hand fighting, Ankush shoots, Luke counters, nothing
Back to center circling & tying up, Luke throw by, tries to come around for the TD, but Ankush fights him off. Luke back in on an ankle, has Ankush on the edge, but nothing, restart
Circling & tying up, Ankush head tap & fakes, then a half shot
Ankush snaps & comes behind for a slick TD, 2-2, working for a turn, but nothing, 3:43 left
Luke snaps, looking for more, but nothing. Ankush with solid defense.
The period ends 2-2, adv Ankush

Back to action, Ankush snaps, nothing
Luke looking for a leg, nothing, both seem a little more active now
Ankush ducks, nothing, Luke counters & gets another TD, 4-2, no turn, restart, 2:06 left
Tying up & pushing, then breaking & circling
Blood time Ankush, 1:55 left
Back to action, Tying up & circling, then breaking, Luke in on an ankle, but looses it. Finger warning, restart, 1:32 left
Ankush coming forward, ducks, but can't get to the legs. Luke reaches for a leg, nothing, Ankush counters with a whizzer & it's a stalemate, restart, 1:01 left
Ankush shoots for a leg, Luke fight him off & we're back to center
Ankush coming forward, Luke on the edge, but he turns & comes back to center
Ankush driving forward, Luke sprawling & they go out of bounds, no points
Ankush coming forward again, Luke fighting him off, but gets a caution +1 as they go out of bounds & it's 4-3 as the period expires.

Luke Joseph Lilledahl DEC Ankush Ankush 4-3

Circling & tying up, Ankush head tap & fakes, then a half shot
Ankush snaps & comes behind for a slick TD, 2-2, working for a turn, but nothing, 3:43 left
Luke snaps, looking for more, but nothing. Ankush with solid defense.
The period ends 2-2, adv Ankush

Back to action, Ankush snaps, nothing
Luke looking for a leg, nothing, both seem a little more active now
Ankush ducks, nothing, Luke counters & gets another TD, 4-2, no turn, restart, 2:06 left
Tying up & pushing, then breaking & circling
Blood time Ankush, 1:55 left
Back to action, Tying up & circling, then breaking, Luke in on an ankle, but looses it. Finger warning, restart, 1:32 left
Ankush coming forward, ducks, but can't get to the legs. Luke reaches for a leg, nothing, Ankush counters with a whizzer & it's a stalemate, restart, 1:01 left
Ankush shoots for a leg, Luke fight him off & we're back to center
Ankush coming forward, Luke on the edge, but he turns & comes back to center
Ankush driving forward, Luke sprawling & they go out of bounds, no points
Ankush coming forward again, Luke fighting him off, but gets a caution +1 as they go out of bounds & it's 4-3 as the period expires.

Luke Joseph Lilledahl DEC Ankush Ankush 4-3
That was a great win for Luke, especially having finished his previous match just 20 or so minutes prior.
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Mat A
65kg - Bo Bassett VS Makoto Hosokawa (JPN)
79kg - Zackary Ryder VS Said Saidulov (AIN)
97kg - Justin Rademacher VS Rizebek Aitmukhan (KAZ)

Mat B
57kg - Luke Lilledahl VS Hayko Gasparyan (ARM)
70kg - PJ Duke VS Magomed Baitukaev (AIN)
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Mat A
65kg - Bo Bassett VS Makoto Hosokawa (JPN)
79kg - Zackary Ryder VS Said Saidulov (AIN)
97kg - Justin Rademacher VS Rizebek Aitmukhan (KAZ)

Mat B
57kg - Luke Lilledahl VS Hayko Gasparyan (ARM)
70kg - PJ Duke VS Magomed Baitukaev (AIN)
What a great ****ing round!! Some huge matches coming up. Ryder vs Saidulov, Rademacher vs Aitmukhan, and Duke vs Baitukaev especially. I have no info on Hosokawa. Lilledahl should cruise I think. Probably a bit easier than his quarter