Gama of Thrones Episode 4


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Dec 1, 2009
Man, a lot happened in a pretty short episode.

1. Theon made it back to dry land.
2. We got to see the Dragonstone cave.
3. Jon Snow looks like a guy who is getting close to bending the knee.
4. Bran proved he can "see" things, but also that he is pretty damn irritating.
5. Dany is done screwing around.
6. Drogon likely convinced Sir Jaime that he has been on the wrong side. Expect a bent knee.after they pull him out of the lake.
7. Arya Stark is a BADASS! Who needs Neymeria?

I liked it all, but I think I liked No. 7 the best.
Jamie & Bronn now prisoners. Tyrion will be the one to sway Jamie that Cersei is cray-cray. It's obvious now that Arya will be the one to slay the Night King with the Valyrian steel dagger. Arya may also off that snake, Littlefinger. Oh yeah, and dragons rule!
Jamie & Bronn now prisoners. Tyrion will be the one to sway Jamie that Cersei is cray-cray. It's obvious now that Arya will be the one to slay the Night King with the Valyrian steel dagger. Arya may also off that snake, Littlefinger. Oh yeah, and dragons rule!

No one said anything about why Arya went to Winterfell. Sure, Jon and Sansa are there. I wonder if also, that 'Littlefinger' Baelish is on Arya's list? Kill 2 birds with 1 stone? See the sibs and cross another off her list?
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No one said anything about why Arya went to Winterfell. Sure, Jon and Sansa are there. I wonder if also, that 'Littlefinger' Baelish is on Arya's list? Kill 2 birds with 1 stone? See the sibs and cross another off her list?

Arya went to see Jon after deciding family was more important than her list...for now. Littlefinger was never on her list. He may be soon.
4. Bran proved he can "see" things, but also that he is pretty damn irritating.

His interaction with Meera was odd but explainable. She deserved better, but that's not who he is anymore. He knows who is important to the end game. Based on his interactions, Arya is important. Sansa is not. I loved how he pulled the Littlefinger line out that only Varys would have heard. It's maybe a risky game to play with someone like Littlefinger, but of course Bran is aware of the danger and doesn't seem too concerned.
Arya went to see Jon after deciding family was more important than her list...for now. Littlefinger was never on her list. He may be soon.

For sure, that was the stated reason she changed her destination to Winterfell early this season. I just threw that out because I've never actually seen "the list". I have a good idea of its contents just from watching the series. I mean, Joffrey and Cersei were no brainers. If Baelish does Sansa wrong, he's surely on the list.
Man, a lot happened in a pretty short episode.

1. Theon made it back to dry land.
2. We got to see the Dragonstone cave.
3. Jon Snow looks like a guy who is getting close to bending the knee.
4. Bran proved he can "see" things, but also that he is pretty damn irritating.
5. Dany is done screwing around.
6. Drogon likely convinced Sir Jaime that he has been on the wrong side. Expect a bent knee.after they pull him out of the lake.
7. Arya Stark is a BADASS! Who needs Neymeria?

I liked it all, but I think I liked No. 7 the best.
Arya Stark fared better against Brienne than she did against the Waife. The Waife appears to have been the biggest bad@ss on the show. Her only weakness was that she could not fight in the dark.
Jamie and Bronn are rescued but prisoners for rest of season. Jamie's fate is sealed with Cersei. I think the old lady foreshadowed before drinking poison. Jamie will kill them both for a good cause. It will be final act of "love"
I keep reading it was Bronn that saved Jamie. How sure of a thing is that? I think it was Sams brother because I think he was on a white horse too. Im gonna have to pay attention to that tonight when I rewatch it.
Man, a lot happened in a pretty short episode.

1. Theon made it back to dry land.
2. We got to see the Dragonstone cave.
3. Jon Snow looks like a guy who is getting close to bending the knee.
4. Bran proved he can "see" things, but also that he is pretty damn irritating.
5. Dany is done screwing around.
6. Drogon likely convinced Sir Jaime that he has been on the wrong side. Expect a bent knee.after they pull him out of the lake.
7. Arya Stark is a BADASS! Who needs Neymeria?

I liked it all, but I think I liked No. 7 the best.

On number 7 - Have to wonder if there is more back story here we might see at a later date
I really liked the two conflicts on the battle field with Tyrion and Jamie. Jamie could leave, but decides to stay with his men and advance his sister's cause. Then he could leave a second time and instead tries to end the war while risking his own life. I am not sure for who or why he chose to make the attempt on Dani's life, perhaps he has redeemed himself fully. Tyrion watches on and while not rooting for his family, clearly has conflicts about opposing them and watching their demise.

Arya was great; she has essentially became Batman. The list thing either needs to be a very clearly defined thing or they need to drop it because its current form doesn't work anymore. The character is past that.

Speaking of comic books,Bran Stark is now creepy Professor X without the ESP powers. Sure he knows a lot, but the only way he can show his power is by reciting past embarrassing and awkward one liners to your face. Kind of useless at this point.

Great episode. Season ending way too soon.
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I really liked the two conflicts on the battle field with Tyrion and Jamie. Jamie could leave, but decides to stay with his men and advance his sister's cause. Then he could leave a second time and instead tries to end the war while risking his own life. I am not sure for who or why he chose to make the attempt on Dani's life, perhaps he has redeemed himself fully. Tyrion watches on and while not rooting for his family, clearly has conflicts about opposing them and watching their demise.

Arya was great; she has essentially became Batman. The list thing either needs to be a very clearly defined thing or they need to drop it because its current form doesn't work anymore. The character is past that.

Speaking of comic books,Bran Stark is now creepy Professor X without the ESP powers. Sure he knows a lot, but the only way he can show his power is by reciting past embarrassing and awkward one liners to your face. Kind of useless at this point.

Great episode. Season ending way too soon.

Best (and shortest!) episode of the season though not without a big issue for me - both Jaime and Bronn avoiding certain death at the last possible second is just something this show would never do in the past. Certainly, the story is more interesting with these guys alive (and probably captured) but it's again way too convenient for me (also think it was Dickon - smirk! - who saved Jaime; not Bronn).

The best stuff outside of Dany whooping ass on everything (and not heeding the advice of Jon and really terrible war strategist Tyrion) was Arya showing off her badassedness to everyone in Winterfell - note the look on Littlefinger's face; between her and Bran, that guy should be very fearful of his life given he helped plot against Ned. And Arya's list is absolutely a defined thing - not sure why she needs to drop it. She's been working on it since Season 2 (I don't know that she's going to add to it at this point though) and there are still some very interesting names on it....

His interaction with Meera was odd but explainable. She deserved better, but that's not who he is anymore. He knows who is important to the end game. Based on his interactions, Arya is important. Sansa is not. I loved how he pulled the Littlefinger line out that only Varys would have heard. It's maybe a risky game to play with someone like Littlefinger, but of course Bran is aware of the danger and doesn't seem too concerned.

Geez, you'd think by now Sansa would think to get a raven to John at Dragonstone: "Dear John, things are quiet here at Winterfell, ski season has started, and just fyi Bran is now some kind of god and knows the entire history of everybody plus he know what's going to happen in the future. On the downside, though, Bran has become a selfish brat and won't do anything but sit around and make people wait on him hand and foot. What do you suggest I do about him?"
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I'm starting to wonder about Littlefinger. Everybody just KNOWs he's a weasel -- so wouldn't it be an interesting plot twist if he turned out not to be? Sort of how at the very end of the Harry Potter saga, as it turns out Professor Snape was secretly a good guy who was doing everything he could to help Harry, even sacrificing his life.

Yeah there is evidence Littlefinger betrayed Ned, but what if Ned was going to die anyway because -- face it -- NED WAS AN IDIOT WHO (at least in GOT morality) deserved to die. Maybe Littlefinger was just playing the long game. It's believable that Littlefinger loved Caitlyn (parallel to Snape here), so he is loyal to her children. We have witnessed, first hand, Littlefinger saving Sansa, Littlefinger saving John.

If he didn't have that little mustache and smirk, if he looked like, say, Jamie Lannister, might we all have a very different impression?

I'm not saying I'm wishing for this. It would be a little cheap tearjerker to have Littlefinger turn out to be a hero and die sacrificing himself to save the Starks. But I could see it.
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Best (and shortest!) episode of the season though not without a big issue for me - both Jaime and Bronn avoiding certain death at the last possible second is just something this show would never do in the past. Certainly, the story is more interesting with these guys alive (and probably captured) but it's again way too convenient for me (also think it was Dickon - smirk! - who saved Jaime; not Bronn).

The best stuff outside of Dany whooping ass on everything (and not heeding the advice of Jon and really terrible war strategist Tyrion) was Arya showing off her badassedness to everyone in Winterfell - note the look on Littlefinger's face; between her and Bran, that guy should be very fearful of his life given he helped plot against Ned. And Arya's list is absolutely a defined thing - not sure why she needs to drop it. She's been working on it since Season 2 (I don't know that she's going to add to it at this point though) and there are still some very interesting names on it....


Completely agree that if this event happened in seasons 1 through 3, Jamie is gone after making a poor decision like that.

I didn't articulate my Arya point well. "The list" served Arya before she left Westeros. I get it, it drove her, i.e. revenge. This new Arya, like Bran, seems pretty far removed from what she once was. Perhaps that was why Bran dropped the list on arya and asked why she came north instead of south. He knows the list doesn't really mean anything, I guess she just hasn't figured it out yet?
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The thing that make it feel rushed me is the ability to teleport people to battles.

Apparently it takes a lot longer to force march an army from one location to another than it does to fly a dragon and sail cavalry then move the cavalry into position?

They aren't going to show all the troop movement stuff. The Lanister Army just took a Keep - no easy feet, pillaged the keep, and they were being force marched to protect a caravan, they were moving MUCH slower than they would to get from King's Landing to High Garden.

It appears Dany understands that fighting a tired infantry with cavalry is the wisest move, and she only used Drogon and not all three dragons! She didn't attack and melt a keep (which is what Jon told her not to do). She decimated the Lanister Army, shutoff their 'payoff' to the Bank, and sent a message 'this is what I can do with one dragon... I have three... and now I have your gold.' She'll soon be joined with The Unsullied, join forces with The North... WOW!

The scene with Arya and Briene was awesome, and topped off with the move with the new dagger! Yikes! And I loved how she told the truth with her response to Briene's inquiry 'No One!' LOL

Bran is cold and withdrawn - just like the previous 3 eyed raven. They lose their identity, but not their memories of their old self... They apparently lose the ability to show emotion as well.
Geez, you'd think by now Sansa would think to get a raven to John at Dragonstone: "Dear John, things are quiet here at Winterfell, ski season has started, and just fyi Bran is now some kind of God and knows the entire history of everybody plus he know what's going to happen in the future. On the downside, though, Bran has become a selfish brat and won't do anything but sit around and make people wait on him hand and foot. What do you suggest I do about him?"
Forgot to add: Oh, and Arya is back too and learned some crazy fighting skills. I think she can kick your ass. See you soon. Xoxo
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Littlefinger knows a trained assassin when he sees one. He also knows he and Arya are more likely to be enemies than friends.

I think his pucker factor just increased significantly. It will go off the charts if Bran spills the beans about Littlefinger's role in Ned's death.

BTW, am I the only one who can't get the image of Mayor Carcetti out of my head when Littlefinger is on screen?
Apparently it takes a lot longer to force march an army from one location to another than it does to fly a dragon and sail cavalry then move the cavalry into position?

They aren't going to show all the troop movement stuff. The Lanister Army just took a Keep - no easy feet, pillaged the keep, and they were being force marched to protect a caravan, they were moving MUCH slower than they would to get from King's Landing to High Garden.

It appears Dany understands that fighting a tired infantry with cavalry is the wisest move, and she only used Drogon and not all three dragons! She didn't attack and melt a keep (which is what Jon told her not to do). She decimated the Lanister Army, shutoff their 'payoff' to the Bank, and sent a message 'this is what I can do with one dragon... I have three... and now I have your gold.' She'll soon be joined with The Unsullied, join forces with The North... WOW!

The scene with Arya and Briene was awesome, and topped off with the move with the new dagger! Yikes! And I loved how she told the truth with her response to Briene's inquiry 'No One!' LOL

Bran is cold and withdrawn - just like the previous 3 eyed raven. They lose their identity, but not their memories of their old self... They apparently lose the ability to show emotion as well.

FYI, The gold was already back at kingslanding when Dany attacked.
Apparently it takes a lot longer to force march an army from one location to another than it does to fly a dragon and sail cavalry then move the cavalry into position?


She decimated the Lanister Army, shutoff their 'payoff' to the Bank, and sent a message 'this is what I can do with one dragon... I have three... and now I have your gold.' She'll soon be joined with The Unsullied, join forces with The North... WOW!

Had Danys sent the Dothraki to Highgarden previously? If not, I'm not clear how they could get there that fast.

On the other hand, clearly some time has passed because a character says the gold is inside the walls of the Red Keep, and Jamie, who was personally supervising the transportation of the money, is back at Highgarden.

The gold is key to plot because the Lannisters will need to buy a replacement army. Cersei uses the gold to pay back the Iron Bank, which will then lend her more money to her mercenaries from the Golden Company.

I'm not clear on how much of the Lannister army is left. They lost some at Casterly Rock, they lost a lot more at Highgarden. Previews of next week show the remnants of the army surrendering to the Dragon Queen, so presumably they work for her now. So maybe the Golden Company and Euron's navy is all Cersei's got now?

And BTW I think the victory at Highgarden means Danys and the Dothraki can also rescue the Unsullied, so maybe Grey Worm and Missandei live happily ever after and raise lots of little worms.
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Completely agree that if this event happened in seasons 1 through 3, Jamie is gone after making a poor decision like that.

I didn't articulate my Arya point well. "The list" served Arya before she left Westeros. I get it, it drove her, i.e. revenge.

My bet is Arya kills Zombie Mountain with the spiffy new dagger. There would be a nice poetry to that, plus if you look at his stats, the Mountain has difficulty with smaller, nimbler opponents. And I trust Arya to finish him off instead of taunting him and getting her skull crushed. At assassin school she almost certainly studied the film of Mountain vs. Oberyn so she knows the Mountain's clever lay-down-and-pretend-to-be-dead trick.
Had Danys sent the Dothraki to Highgarden previously? If not, I'm not clear how they could get there that fast.

On the other hand, clearly some time has passed because a character says the gold is inside the walls of the Red Keep, and Jamie, who was personally supervising the transportation of the money, is back at Highgarden.

The gold is key to plot because the Lannisters will need to buy a replacement army. Cersei uses the gold to pay back the Iron Bank, which will then lend her more money to her mercenaries from the Golden Company.

I'm not clear on how much of the Lannister army is left. They lost some at Casterly Rock, they lost a lot more at Highgarden. Previews of next week show the remnants of the army surrendering to the Dragon Queen, so presumably they work for her now. So maybe the Golden Company and Euron's navy is all Cersei's got now?

And BTW I think the victory at Highgarden means Danys and the Dothraki can also rescue the Unsullied, so maybe Grey Worm and Missandei live happily ever after and raise lots of little worms.

I think they'll have to skip the little worms part.
Best (and shortest!) episode of the season though not without a big issue for me - both Jaime and Bronn avoiding certain death at the last possible second is just something this show would never do in the past. Certainly, the story is more interesting with these guys alive (and probably captured) but it's again way too convenient for me (also think it was Dickon - smirk! - who saved Jaime; not Bronn).

The best stuff outside of Dany whooping ass on everything (and not heeding the advice of Jon and really terrible war strategist Tyrion) was Arya showing off her badassedness to everyone in Winterfell - note the look on Littlefinger's face; between her and Bran, that guy should be very fearful of his life given he helped plot against Ned. And Arya's list is absolutely a defined thing - not sure why she needs to drop it. She's been working on it since Season 2 (I don't know that she's going to add to it at this point though) and there are still some very interesting names on it....

Jon was against attacking the Red Keep at King's landing. She heeded his advice
Why does everyone think the battle was at Highgarden? I believed the body of water to be Blackwater Bay nearing King's Landing. That would explain was Jamie was there so quickly after delivering the gold. It would also explain the Dothraki being there relatively quickly. There was a reference to the Lannisters stripping the countryside of grain and other supplies. I assumed they were doing this as they marched to King's Landing.
Why does everyone think the battle was at Highgarden? I believed the body of water to be Blackwater Bay nearing King's Landing. That would explain was Jamie was there so quickly after delivering the gold. It would also explain the Dothraki being there relatively quickly. There was a reference to the Lannisters stripping the countryside of grain and other supplies. I assumed they were doing this as they marched to King's Landing.

Yeah I don't know if the location was explicitly stated but it's a castle, and I don't think it's King's Landing. If it were Qyburn would have been there to supervise his giant crossbow thingy and there would have been reaction shots of Cersei.
[QUOTE="tboyer, post: 2906862, member: 2828"On the other hand, clearly some time has passed because a character says the gold is inside the walls of the Red Keep, and Jamie, who was personally supervising the transportation of the money, is back at Highgarden.[/QUOTE]

??! I don't recall anyone saying that the gold looted from Highgarden was already inside the walls of the Red Keep.

Cersei and that smarmy emissary from the Iron Bank had a conversation in which the emissary made it clear that the Iron Bank would be happy to help with another loan, etc. "When the gold arrives," presumably at the Red Keep. Seems to me he made it plain the gold was still in transit. Beyond that, the footage of Jaime unlocking the cart in which the gold was being transported, tossing a sack to Bronn, and then re-locking the cart, seemed pretty contemporaneous with Dany's attack.
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Why does everyone think the battle was at Highgarden? I believed the body of water to be Blackwater Bay nearing King's Landing. That would explain was Jamie was there so quickly after delivering the gold. It would also explain the Dothraki being there relatively quickly. There was a reference to the Lannisters stripping the countryside of grain and other supplies. I assumed they were doing this as they marched to King's Landing.

Pretty sure it was Highgarden because when Bronn asks if he can have 'that' castle Jaime says - 'You don't want Highgarden' or something to that effect.
[QUOTE="tboyer, post: 2906862, member: 2828"On the other hand, clearly some time has passed because a character says the gold is inside the walls of the Red Keep, and Jamie, who was personally supervising the transportation of the money, is back at Highgarden.

??! I don't recall anyone saying that the gold looted from Highgarden was already inside the walls of the Red Keep.

Cersei and that smarmy emissary from the Iron Bank had a conversation in which the emissary made it clear that the Iron Bank would be happy to help with another loan, etc. "When the gold arrives," presumably at the Red Keep. Seems to me he made it plain the gold was still in transit. Beyond that, the footage of Jaime unlocking the cart in which the gold was being transported, tossing a sack to Bronn, and then re-locking the cart, seemed pretty contemporaneous with Dany's attack.[/QUOTE]

There was a mention from (maybe Randyl Tarley?) that the gold was safe at the Red Keep. It might have been part of the conversation about flogging the stragglers.
Sam's dad tells Jamie and Bronn, "All the gold's safely through the gate at King's Landing." Then he say, "We need to get the last of these wagons over the Blackwater Rush before nightfall."

That pretty much sets the stage as far as location goes for both the gold and the battle. The Blackwater Ruch is the river outside Kings Landing.

And upon further review, it was Bronn who saved Jamie. Since he has no armor to drag him down, he has a decent shot at saving Jamie.
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I am not sure how Jamie survives in the water. I am not expert on water rescue or medieval armor, but I am guessing he would drop like a stone and it would take Micheal Phelps to pull him up.
I am not sure how Jamie survives in the water. I am not expert on water rescue or medieval armor, but I am guessing he would drop like a stone and it would take Micheal Phelps to pull him up.

Tyrion saw the whole thing happen - no doubt he has some guys rush to get Jaime out.