Apparently it takes a lot longer to force march an army from one location to another than it does to fly a dragon and sail cavalry then move the cavalry into position?
They aren't going to show all the troop movement stuff. The Lanister Army just took a Keep - no easy feet, pillaged the keep, and they were being force marched to protect a caravan, they were moving MUCH slower than they would to get from King's Landing to High Garden.
It appears Dany understands that fighting a tired infantry with cavalry is the wisest move, and she only used Drogon and not all three dragons! She didn't attack and melt a keep (which is what Jon told her not to do). She decimated the Lanister Army, shutoff their 'payoff' to the Bank, and sent a message 'this is what I can do with one dragon... I have three... and now I have your gold.' She'll soon be joined with The Unsullied, join forces with The North... WOW!
The scene with Arya and Briene was awesome, and topped off with the move with the new dagger! Yikes! And I loved how she told the truth with her response to Briene's inquiry 'No One!' LOL
Bran is cold and withdrawn - just like the previous 3 eyed raven. They lose their identity, but not their memories of their old self... They apparently lose the ability to show emotion as well.