I'm not disputing that. But she defeated the masters of the slaves in slavers bay. She did not offer them the option of joining her. She had them nailed to polls along the road. She defeated the owners of the Unsullied. She did not offer them the option of joining her. She killed them with her new Unsullied army.What previous battles? I think you're rambling a bit - all over the place. Varys and Tyrion have both said they support Dany because she is 'a good person' - that is not disputed.
While not "battles", per say, they were adversaries she defeated and showed no mercy to. What she has done is offered her "protection" to those that had been the victims of injustice under their owners if they would join her. Not sure where the Lanister army falls in that equation. Probably right where she put them. Bend the knee or die. After all they did fight against her. She didn't go to battle to "free" them of their masters.
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