Gama of Thrones Episode 4

What previous battles? I think you're rambling a bit - all over the place. Varys and Tyrion have both said they support Dany because she is 'a good person' - that is not disputed.
I'm not disputing that. But she defeated the masters of the slaves in slavers bay. She did not offer them the option of joining her. She had them nailed to polls along the road. She defeated the owners of the Unsullied. She did not offer them the option of joining her. She killed them with her new Unsullied army.

While not "battles", per say, they were adversaries she defeated and showed no mercy to. What she has done is offered her "protection" to those that had been the victims of injustice under their owners if they would join her. Not sure where the Lanister army falls in that equation. Probably right where she put them. Bend the knee or die. After all they did fight against her. She didn't go to battle to "free" them of their masters.
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sorry I was the kid who opened my christmas gifts and repackaged them. then put on a huge smile christmas morning. bad genetics I guess.

I thought the last episode was so good that I went looking for what happens next and you can find the video, the scripts, videos with the scripts....just about anything you want.

I will tell you a major character will die (but none of the ones your thinking), a show secret will be revealed, and people have sex at sea.

The biggest holy sh!t moment is the season ending scene, it will have you craving next season more than you probably have any other season.
You are a giant dick.
If you know your Westerosi history, the Targaryens are famous for intermarrying their relatives, including brother & sister.

But I don't think that is what will happen here. Remember when Dany was told by Darrio that she is not suited to sit on a thrown? I think that will be telling in the future. I think Jon becomes the King of the Seven Kingdoms and Sansa will be Ward of the North. Dany will end up returning to Essos with the Dothraki and Unsullied to be a conqueror. She will realize that is where her home is. My prediction anyway.

I know the Targaryens intermarried... I just don't see Jon - or Dany - being into marrying their kin. I found the view about marriage from where Messindre is from that she gave Jon.

Interesting take on the preview for this week regarding the Lanister Army.
When everyone learns who Jon really is, and that Rhagaer Targaryen anulled his first marriage and married Llyana before Jon was born, and thus Jon is not a bastard, then Jon would have the higher claim to the thrown, being the first son of the first son of the Mad King.
Interesting possibility. This angle of Dany pushing Jon to bend the knee could actually be a buildup to Dany having to (ironically) bow to Jon.
Interesting possibility. This angle of Dany pushing Jon to bend the knee could actually be a buildup to Dany having to (ironically) bow to Jon.

That would piss off all the women watching the show thinking that Dany is the rightful heir to the throne.
Interesting possibility. This angle of Dany pushing Jon to bend the knee could actually be a buildup to Dany having to (ironically) bow to Jon.

Was his marriage annulled? I thought he ran off with Lyanna in secret and never married her; so while Jon is highborn by blood, he is still technically a 'bastard' because his parents were never properly married. Still, I don't know how the royal hierarchy would work for Jon - we saw Roose Bolton 'legitimize' his son which was enough to make him a rightful heir, but my guess is Jon has some claim whether he wants it or not since Joffrey went about killing all of Robert's bastards (save one) for the same reason.
When everyone learns who Jon really is, and that Rhagaer Targaryen anulled his first marriage and married Llyana before Jon was born, and thus Jon is not a bastard, then Jon would have the higher claim to the thrown, being the first son of the first son of the Mad King.
Thanks for that post, JR. I have been thinking this all along, and wondering what effect it will have if (when?) the knowledge comes out.

Edit: Was also wondering whether Rhaegar in fact married Lyanna, or just ran off with her.
Thanks for that post, JR. I have been thinking this all along, and wondering what effect it will have if (when?) the knowledge comes out.

Edit: Was also wondering whether Rhaegar in fact married Lyanna, or just ran off with her.

Never married; he abducted her.
Just released - synopsis for Episode 5....


Darnerys demands loyalty from the surviving Lannister soldiers; Jon heeds Bran's warning about White Walkers on the move; Cersei vows to vanquish anyone or anything that stands in her way.
Still, I don't know how the royal hierarchy would work for Jon - we saw Roose Bolton 'legitimize' his son which was enough to make him a rightful heir...

Once Roose was stabbed, the wife and baby boy were murdered as well, as the boy had a stronger claim.
Once Roose was stabbed, the wife and baby boy were murdered as well, as the boy had a stronger claim.

I don't think so. Roose used the baby boy as leverage over Ramsay to try to keep him in check but I think once 'legitimized' by Roose Ramsay is his rightful heir unless determined otherwise by Roose. Which is why Ramsay took care of both of them.
Another practical consideration - It's widely assumed/known Dany is not capable of having children, right? She was cursed in S1 and basically birthed an aborted half dragon child right? I assume that means she can't have children; if she's ultimately Queen - who is her heir? Obviously depends on who she marries but still - interesting situation.
Another practical consideration - It's widely assumed/known Dany is not capable of having children, right? She was cursed in S1 and basically birthed an aborted half dragon child right? I assume that means she can't have children; if she's ultimately Queen - who is her heir? Obviously depends on who she marries but still - interesting situation.
One of the reasons I think she returns to Essos and Darrio.
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Cool story about the passage of time and Cersei's haircut.

first off I have no information on this but just a thought. I read something that made me think. The crossbow that shot drogon is nicknamed the scorpion. Any chance those arrows were poison? That master guy of cersi really seems like the type to do that. I hope not though. Big fan of Drogon
Never married; he abducted her.

to this point in the show this is the story they have fed us, but to keep the show fresh plot lines generally twist.

that they went to war under false pretense is very GOT