Kasak surprised me - would have liked a committed attach in the 3rd but he looked winded. SVN will be fine next time around... got to get that feel. Davis will learn from this as well. He saw that his dble was a good shot... that was a good finish. He looked winded as well. Good match - scored over 30!
Kasak is a good sized 157 now, but are we sure SVN can beat him if he could get to 149? Seems like many believe Kasak could eventually be the odd man out when Duke arrives, but Kasak could lay claim to 149 in the future. I also think he matches up well with Shapiro who can be sloppy. I think Kasak has as good of chance as any of winning 157 this year.
Lovett is a bad matchup for SVN who doesn't defend as well as Kasak who is a little funkier. This said, SVN could easily win if they were to wrestle again.
I would pick Davis in a rematch since I'm sure he won't get caught in a Jonesy, again, or attempt an ill-advised throw that he didn't need to do. He just needed to keep attacking and not take his foot off of the gas. This said, probably the most precarious weight for PSU.
Barr has been really impressive and keeps improving. He looks as good as Buchanon. Need to see Cardenas wrestle this season to see how he matches up with him.
Lilledahl looked very good and pushed the action. He can definitely win 125 but needs to keep improving to get separation. Kid is definitely a stud.