157: Bo Pipher vs. #4 Kaleb Young
Per 1
Young shoots from center field, blocked. Young shoots, blocked, then Bo shoots, OOB with 1:44. Young in on a head outside single, lifts the leg and gets the TD, 0-2. OOB with 20 sec left. Bo works up, Young on the leg, END. RT @ 58 sec for Young
Per 2
Young takes bottom. He's working up, then a stall call on Bo for hanging onto the leg. On the restart, Young sits in and gets the reversal, 0-4. OOB with 57 sec left. Bo better get active. Stall warning on Young for hanging onto the legs. Bo works to a 4-point, but can't get more. Bo grabbed a wrist and tried to roll, nothing. Nearly out but the buzzer sounds. RT @ 2:22 for Young
Per 3
Bo takes down. Bo stands, taken down and nearly tilted. Young tries to throw in a leg, Bo grabs the leg, and a stalemate at 1:10 left. Bo up and out, 1-4. RT is locked. Young with a shot, nothing. Stalemate with 47 sec left. Stall call on Bo with 4 sec left makes it 1-5. With RT, it's a 1-6 DEC for Young
11-10, PSU