Question on split ticket voting

It is pretty uncommon for voters to split tickets. In presidential years, the party that wins the presidency wins almost everything else. In PA, what is the top of the ticket? Gov or Senator?

I see the PA GOP gov is saying he's gotten a recent jolt vs Shapiro. Is that due to Fetterman's complete dumpster fire and this is reverberating throughout the voting base (no split tickets, you vote GOP for Senate and just do the same for Gov)?
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The Collapse of Democrat Political Machines

If you look at the Senate seats that Democrats are trying to flip and the ones they are in danger of losing, it is interesting that they center around the five states Democrats magically "flipped" from Trump to Biden in the wee hours after the 2020 election.

While there is no Michigan Senator running this election cycle, Wisconsin, PA, Arizona, and Georgia are the close races that Dems and the media have focused on most. What a coincidence. These just happen to be the same states where all the questionable voter shenanigans happened in November of 2020. You can throw in Nevada as an additional state dominated by a large population center (Los Vegas in this case) which has a highly effective Democrat political machine (the Reid machine).

These political machines are losing their influence because 1. we are now watching closely for voter fraud and it's more risky to be associated with it, 2. these cities have been under attack by the left (riots, looting, "protest") and rising crime for the past few years, 3. things are so bad under Democrats right now that there are fewer people willing to man these political armies.

IF these political machines continue to decline.. along with ones in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Minnesota and even Illinois.. many "blue states" will be competitive for the GOP and it will be lights out for the Democrats.

Pickleball, anyone?

Those Oregonians love their homeless.

Within 24 hours, Portland mayor directs city to remove homeless camps, build pickleball courts

So the Messiah Obama is coming to Pittsburgh Sat

Would lto go there and heckle him during his speech. The talking points of the weekend will be ‘THreAt tO dEMoCrACy!!!’ ☠️👹😈 As soon as he brings that up shout “Do you mean threats like creating a fake Russiagate? Or trying to steal an election? ‘Or maybe a weaponized DoJustice? Or the coverup of the HUnter laptop story to fix an election? Or covering up for your SecState leaking top secrets on a private server?

And when goes of on election deniers yell out like Hillary? Or Stacy? Or Clyborn? Or Maxwell? Or dozens of other evil 🤡 party kingpins?

Would be a lot of fun!

Twice I tried to vote yesterday but couldn't. The volume of people at my polling location

was that busy, I would say that there is parking there for about 150 cars. No place to park at all. The line of people was longer than I had ever seen it in previous elections. The governor's race is not a race at all, Gov Bill Lee (R) in a reelection cake walk. No US Senatorial race. US house race will replace longtime D US Rep Cooper with an R thanks to redistricting and yet the massive turnout. TN Senate and House slightly more competitive. It's great to live in a red state.

I'll still vote on Election Day come hell or high water. I want the D candidates to not only lose but to be humiliated in the size of their loses,

Democrats abort abortion message, turn to fear mongering

Democrats simply are not fit to lead. Funny article.....

It was supposed to be all about abortion. They told us that was going to bring the big blue wave.

But, it turns out, normal people don’t fill up their trucks with abortions at $4 a gallon. And moms don’t spend $300 every week on grocery carts full of abortions. Abortion doesn’t save you from getting mugged walking down the street.

So the memo went out last week to Democrat politicians that abortion enthusiasm was not translating into votes for them.

“Quick! Let’s talk about something else!” said somebody in Democrat headquarters.

“OK, good idea. But what?”

“I don’t know! Let’s start talking about something voters care about.”

Long silence.

“Does anybody know what these people care about?”


“No, you idiot! That’s not working. Something else.”

Another long silence.

“I saw on Twitter somebody said they care about the economy.”

“You dummy! We can’t talk about the economy! Remember? We totally wrecked the economy! What do you think we’ve been doing these past two years while in total control of Washington?”

“Uh, how about gas prices?”

“No! We already yelled at them about that and told them to buy $70,000 electric cars. And they’re not listening.”

“What if we said Republicans are going to take away their Social Security checks?”

“Great idea!”
