Retail Sales Fall. So does the stock market.

Reality sets in.

Read the comments to the article. Smoke and mirrors to cover bad policies do not last forever.

It's going to get bad, really bad when the government realizes that it cannot finance itself at rates that would tame inflation. There will be a tug of war for the Dem-agenda of spend-spend-spend, and the conservative agenda for currency stability with limited government. Dems are doing nothing to help the supply side, the only way to reduce inflation without making drastic cuts in public spending.

I certainly hope the Republicans win. If they don't, then my retirement savings continues getting plundered. I did not have a cushy government job with an inflation-adjusted pension.

Dems are Marxists. They believe in taking what was once mine. They believe in confiscating property. Most of them don't realize how they are doing this.

Dems are doing everything possible to stoke inflation, and at a time when consumers are being forced to cut their spending. Government spends more and consumers spend less. They are creating a cycle of lower production with higher costs. We call that stagflation.

SEC Transfers

Transfer Portal per SEC School:
1) Texas A&M: 25
2) Florida: 19
3) Arkansas: 18
3) Mississippi: 18
5) Alabama: 15
6) LSU: 13
7) Miss St: 12
7) Vanderbilt: 12
9) Kentucky: 10
9) Auburn: 10
11) Missouri: 9
11) South Carolina: 9
13) Tennessee: 7
14) Georgia: 1

More to come from Georgia after playoffs. They continue to grab the recruiting headlines and close to 200 players portal. Wonder how many transferred a year ago?
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Tyson Vs. The Amateur YouTube Guys

I know we have had several “fights” with these youtube stars. Mayweather…..great record, but honestly, I hate watching. Let’s send Tyson out against these white boys and provide some real entertainment. Watching documentaries on his training is just absolutely unreal. The guy didn’t lift weights…. just natural power almost everyone dreams of.

Anyway, that old bastard would mop the floor with these guys and it would be hilarious. How about we start with the weird meth head looking twins.

Philadelphia Fed admits US jobs overstated by at least 1.1 million.

As the Philly Fed notes, "estimates by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia indicate that the employment changes from March through June 2022 were significantly different in 33 states and the District of Columbia compared with current state estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) Current Employment Statistics (CES). Early benchmark estimates indicated higher changes in four states, lower changes in 29 states and the District of Columbia, and lesser changes in the remaining 17 states.

Hey lefties? Does it not bother you at all that your POTUS...

...hasn't spoken out at all - hasn't said anything publicly - denouncing the deadly human rights atrocities and/or supporting the growing protests against the deadly atrocities, going on throughout China right now?

I mean, if there ever was a slam-dunk right time to AT LEAST finger-wave at the leadership of another country, this is it.

Yet, your guy remains silent. Almost like he thinks what the CCP is doing is OK - Or doesn't rise to the level deeming attention (which would be insane).

What has happened to us as a country when our leadership signals that they're turning a blind eye to what the CCP is doing to its people right now? What a failure in leadership. What an embarrassment.


I hate to start a negative thread, but you keep saying conservatives are crying about problems that don't exist. No one is falling for your act because we are all experiencing this "sea change" in Western society (yourself included). Just received this text from a family friend. Are you going to tell us these problems aren't real and a direct product of progressive policies? May I ask if you live in a big city or rural country?

I just got a call from <husband> (next door neighbor). Apparently <wife>, <husband's> wife was in Chicago visiting her son and their family in Lincoln Park. <wife> and <son> were car Jacked at 11:45 a.m. in broad daylight. The assailant at gunpoint threatened to kill <son> as she had just parked her car and was walking <son>. The <minority> man rifled through her purse and then took the keys and stole her <SUV>. She is really shook up as you can imagine. Apparently her son and his family have decided to sell their $2M house in and get out of Chicago for good… so <husband> and <wife> have decided to get out of Chicago regardless of the costs.

14 Signs of Totalitarianism

14 signs of democrats destroying our constitutional republic.

1. Dissent is equated to violence

2. Media is controlled

3. The legal system is co-opted by the state

4. Power is exerted to quash dissent

5. State police protect the regime, not the people

6. Rights—financial, legal, and civil—are contingent on compliance

7. Mass conformity of beliefs and behaviors is demanded

8. Power is concentrated in inner ring of elite institutions and people

9. Semi-organized violence is permitted (in some cases)

10. Propaganda targets enemies of the state regime

11. Entire classes singled out for persecution

12. Extra-legal actions are condoned against internal regime opponents

13. Harsh legal enforcement against unfavored classes

14. Private and public levers of power are used to enforce adherence to state dogmas

What Happened in Loudoun Schools

Ideologue democrats happened.

In the summer of 2021, video of a father from Loudoun County, Virginia getting arrested at a school board meeting went viral. To the mainstream media, he became the posterchild of anti-LGBTQ animus at the heart of the parental rights movement. He’d come to oppose a new transgender-bathroom policy and totally lost his cool.

Months later, Daily Wire reporter Luke Rosiak added some context: the man’s daughter had been raped by a skirt-wearing “gender-fluid” boy in a girl’s bathroom. And he had just heard Loudoun Superintendent Scott Zeigler deny that there was record of any such assault.

That was, according to a grand jury report released last week, a “bald-faced lie.”

Governor Glenn Youngkin’s administration empaneled the grand jury because the same student went on to sexually assault another girl at another school, and the school district was not forthcoming with answers. The answers found by the grand jury report are disturbing.

Part of the problem, the report suggests, was a culture of disciplinary leniency. (For example, elsewhere in the district, when two elementary special education teachers complained about a student who continually grabbed at their groins, they were advised to wear aprons or pieces of cardboard.) The grand jury concluded that if the misbehavior of the assailant after he was transferred to a new school had been taken seriously, the “sexual assault most likely would not have occurred.”

Musk Reveals the Sickness of Power Hungry Progressives

After the latest dump of the Twitter Files was released by Bari Weiss, showing a clear connection between the FBI and Twitter in their efforts to both suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story, and to censor and ultimately ban a sitting president, it was clear that the former management of Twitter, and its former owner, were on the ropes. This was the biggest tech story in 10 years, and the media went dark. Why? They’re the dogs that aren’t barking, that’s why. They were complicit in everything that happened on Twitter because they ARE Twitter.

Without Twitter, there can be no “cancel culture.” It is their Roman coliseum, their panopticon for surveillance, and yes, it’s their Ministry of Love, their Ministry of Truth, and their Ministry of Peace. Without Twitter, they’re just a bunch of do-nothings, drunk on their own power as they pull the lever for the dopamine hit like slot machine junkies at 2 am in Vegas. Someday, all of this will be embarrassing for all concerned.

Tim Pool And Mr. Bokus

Login to view embedded media We lost our buddy, Jeffy last year. It's amazing how much love you can have for a pet. I feel for anyone who goes through it. My dog's kidneys started to fail and it was rather quick. Last 12/30/21 we had to take him to the vet to put him asleep. Toughest choice I had to make as an adult. As a younger man I went with my parents but that was our family/their dog. Still hard, but Jeffy was my wife's dog and my dog.
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