2023 Senior worlds September 16-24

Erica was a little chippy with he co-announcer yesterday. He made a comment and her response was - I guess you never saw me wrestle.

She knows the sport, just don't be over confident.
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Erica was a little chippy with he co-announcer yesterday. He made a comment and her response was - I guess you never saw me wrestle.

She knows the sport, just don't be over confident.
FWIW, I noticed that Bryan Hazard got a number of small things wrong, like he hadn't been paying attention. One that I recall was asserting that David Taylor comes in with 30 straight points, implying he'd gotten three straight tech falls. You only had to watch the first pin to know that was wrong.
Vito changes speeds better than almost anyone. He can go slow and lull you to sleep and then explode
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should be 6!
maybe not... looks like a 4 and 2 on replay
things to make you say..ummmm
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Zain v Yazdanicherati for gold at 70kg
  • Zain shoots, comes up empty
  • Yazdani with the first passivity warning
  • Zain gets to a leg, walks him out. 1-0.
  • Yazdani with a single, Zain off balance. Can't gut Zain though. 2-1 Yazdani.
  • Weird exchange Zain comes out on top, nearly saw a pin. 3-2 Zain.
  • Break
  • Zain nice D on to Yazdani shots that go nowhere
  • Zain with two more of a scramble that started with a Zain ankle, then double. 5-2.
  • Stepout point Zain, 6-2.
  • Zain in on the legs again, easily, and it's 8-2.
  • Zain again in on legs, Yazdani trying to turn from top, it's whistled dead.
  • One minute remaining.
  • Zain stuffs a double, and then another double. Zain backing up.
  • Zain gives up a double at edge, it's 8-4 but there's only 11 seconds left.
  • Caution against Zain, 8-5. 1.2 seconds.
  • Zain Retherford World Champion!!
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During our downtime, NU vs Penn field hockey on Big+, Faye is now dressed as the back-up keeper for the #3 Cats.
While she won't likely see any action during her redshirt season, she seems ready for action as the Cats take a 1-0 lead.

Edit: Cats win 3-1. 🔥
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