2023 Senior worlds September 16-24

That's a pretty cool site. Thanks for posting. Lots of International perspectives.
I believe this is the forum where most of the Iranian-American fans migrated to between the time the TheMat forum was shut down and prior to when Willie helped start the Intermat forum.
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5-1 is a rivalry?
Doesn’t seem like much of one but David has said wrestling Yazdani is what keeps him motivated. He’s also the only guy not getting completely blown out. The last matches have not been particularly close but it’s still a tough match every time out
I'm not so sure we disagree that much. I do think Dake can make minor adjustments and change the outcome. But Sidakov did what he had to to win, and I don't think it was controversial. I think many of the scoring exchanges were on the edge of multiple different interpretations, and therefore qualified as a mess. I do like freestyle, but I hate how murky it can get.
Someone has to say it. Dake looks like he is getting older, not younger. Should we tell him that or just keep it as our little secret? ;-)
Arena says Snyder was supposed to be up but the next match in the queue went instead. Anyone know what’s going on?
Hard handfighting. Snyder snapping and moving him all over. Gets in on a shot and after a bit of a fight he converts for 2. End of the first 2-0 Kyle. Not a ton of action but Snyder controlled the handfight.

Kyle in deep and gets chest wrapped. They score it 4 for Kyle 2 for Ibragimov. I really don’t know. Could be scored that way or could be Ibragimov’s move. I can’t tell anymore. Challenged by UZB so we will see what they decide. Challenge won and it’s 4-4 instead of 6-2 with Kyle down on criteria. Kyle gets active though. Locks up a cradle and gets 2 and 2. 8-4 now

Kyle back to front head and just runs around for 2 more. 10-4. 1:00 left. Idragimov gets a Td and it’s 10-6 with :28 left. And that’s it. Kyle vs Sadulaev for bronze!! Not the match we thought but at least we will get to see it
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We will also get Amouzad vs Mamedov for bronze. Otoguro forfeited out or we would have had him vs Mamedov with the winner getting Amouzad. Crazy 3rd places with this one and Snyder vs Sadulaev
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Will someone please tell me the meaning of each regarding the outcome of a FS bout: VSU, VSU1, VPO, VPO1, VFA. TYVM!
Will someone please tell me the meaning of each regarding the outcome of a FS bout: VSU, VSU1, VPO, VPO1, VFA. TYVM!
  • (VFA) Win by fall: Winning team +5
  • (VSU) Win by technical superiority, loser scores 0: Winning team +4
  • (VSU1) Win by technical superiority, loser scores >0: Winning team +4, losing team +1
  • (VPO) Win by decision, loser scores 0: Winning team +3
  • (VPO1) Win by decision, loser scores >0: Winning team +3, losing team +1
  • (VCA) Win by 3 cautions: Winning team +5
  • (VIN) Win by injury default: Winning team +5
  • (DSQ) Win by disqualification: Winning team +5
Kilty winning big on mat A but Adeline is coming up against Japan on mat C so I’m going there
Adeline on mat C then Hilldebrandt on D and then Maroulis on B all in a row
Beautiful low level attack by Japan caught Adeline completely flat footed. 2-0 Kagami. 2-0 at the break. Adeline kept trying quick snatch singles and digging her underhook but neither was working. Didn’t come close to scoring in the first period

Kagami on the clock. She shoots off the whistle but Adeline defends. Stalemate. 2-1 now after the shot clock point. Nice attack from Japan and she gets 2. 4-1 with a 1:00 left. Kagami completely shut Adeline down and wins 4-1. Adeline never came close to scoring. Impressive match from Kagami
Hildebrandt vs Stadnik from AZE. Pretty sure Stadnik is a 2 time world champ and has wrestled in 4 Olympics placing 3rd twice and 2nd twice. Also a 9 time Euro champion. Tough match obviously but one Sarah can win. Stadnik is on the downswing of her career but still very very good

Sarah on the clock first and nothing happening so Stadnik goes up 1-0. Beautiful wrestling by Sarah and she gets a Td after a long exchange. 2-1 at the break

Stadnik shoots a double from space and gets the Td. 3-2. Nice pick from Hildebrandt and she’s back on top 4-3. Both these women are extremely good. Sarah catches Stadnik in a front head and gets an another Td! Big points there. 6-3 with 1:30 left. Catches another Stadnik shot and runs around her again. 8-3. AZE challenging something here but I’m not sure what. Challenge lost so it’s 10-3 and they are starting in par tarre. Hildebrandt is killing her with the front head. Another Td and a lace and it’s over. 14-3. What a masterful performance from Hildebrandt! She will have MGL in the semis
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Now it’s Helen’s turn and she also has AZE. Nice double on the edge for Maroulis for 2 but gives up an exposure going for a turn and it’s 2-2. AZE keeps trying to go double overs but Helen is defending well. Gets a step out point so it’s 3-2 Helen. 3-2 at the break. Some good exchanges so far

Russian tie to a go behind and a big Td for Maroulis. 5-2. Another Td and it’s 7-2. Aliyev a is just trying to go big but Helen is defending beautifully. Aliyev a gets a step out though to cut it to 7-3. Nice wrestling on the edge from Helen and she gets the point back. 8-3. :10. And that’s how it ends. Hard fought match but Helen is into the semis! She will have Sakurai in the semis. Sakurai has won the past 2 world titles
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