2024 U20 Worlds - September 2-8

I just watched the Duke vs Baitukaev match. First off, I just have to say what a fun match that was between 2 super elite talents. I hope this turns into a real rivalry where they continue meeting up as they go through the ranks. I think this is going to go down as a really important learning moment for Duke. This is his first time wrestling overseas and feeling just how different these foreigners are. Baitukaev is the perfect example of this. He stands almost straight up, looks disinterested most of the time but has an incredible feel and can wrestle from almost everywhere. The metzger he hit was super nice after just missing it twice before on the edge.

I think PJ left at least 6-8 points out there. The on mat official gave Duke 2 for an exposure early in the match but it got white paddled. That official had the best view by far so I do think it was probably 2. Then on the edge where he went seatbelt to bodylock and launched Baitukaev but like a cat he somehow didn’t expose and only gave up 1 for a stepout. So close. And of course the final sequence where PJ does throw him for 4 but the whistle had blown because of the step out prior to the throw. Just a few inches from this being a 5-6 point Duke win

I think if they wrestled again tomorrow this result is reversed. It felt like Duke was the better guy but Baitukaev is slick and if he didn’t gas he’s fun to watch. Great experience for Duke especially for being his first world championships. I say he comes back next year and lays waste to the field.
What I really wanted to post -- but sadly I couldn't the clip -- was when the Howard Stern fan called into Larry King Live on CNN as "Bob of Bowie, Maryland." The joke was otherwise beaten to death, but that was a brilliant prank call.
It's still funny. I was laughing out loud last night (and sober) to Richard and Sal ask about the parade.
74kg R1 - Ladarion Lockett VS Baitemir Tuleberdiev (KGZ)

Lockett keeping some space & then ties-up
Lockett passivity warning
Lockett shoots, nothing
Tuleberdiev working an under hook
Lockett shoots & drives Tuleberdiev out, 1-0, restart
Back to tying up Tuleberdiev pushing forward, drops in on a leg, Lockett with a slick counter & picks up the TD, 3-0, restart 4:21 left
Tying up & hand fighting, Lockett shoots, but Tuleberdiev fights out of it & they're back to their feet in the center of the mat. Tuleberdiev coming forward a little, Lockett near the edge, but then he circles back to center & the period expires
3-0 Lockett

Tuleberdiev pushing forward off the whistle, Lockett on the edge, but he circles back to center, then drops in on a leg, drives Tuleberdiev to the edge & takes him out of bounds. 4-0.
Lockett hurt going out of bounds & it's injury time.
Back at it, Lockett appears to be okay.
Tuleberdiev pushing forward, Lockett at the edge, but then he shoots, Tuleberdiev tries to counter, but Lockett picks up 4 points during the exchange & it's 8-0, restart
Tuleberdiev gets a quick TD off the whistle, 8-2. Tuleberdiev tries for a turn, but Lockett counters & takes Tuleberdiev to his back for the fall!

Ladarion Lockett FALL Baitemir Tuleberdiev (4:33)
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74kg R1 - Ladarion Lockett VS Baitemir Tuleberdiev (KGZ)

Lockett keeping some space & then ties-up
Lockett passivity warning
Lockett shoots, nothing
Tuleberdiev working an under hook
Lockett shoots & drives Tuleberdiev out, 1-0
Back to tying up Tuleberdiev pushing forward, drops in on a leg, Lockett with a slick counter & picks up the TD, 3-0, restart 4:21 left
Tying up & hand fighting, Lockett shoots, but Tuleberdiev fights out of it & they're back to their feet in the center of the mat. Tuleberdiev coming forward a little, Lockett near the edge, but then he circles back to center & the period expires
3-0 Lockett
SlipperyPete12, I hand you the reins.
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61kg R1 - Marcus Glenn Blaze VS Dohyung Kim (KOR)

Hand fighting off the whistle & head slapping, then collar ties
Blaze reaches for an ankle, but Kim fights out of it
Blaze coming forward, Kim on the edge on his knees, Blaze takes him out of bounds, but grounded, no scoring
Tying up & a quick stoppage, Kim passivity warning, restart
Blaze drops in on a shot off the whistle, picks up the TD & has Kim on his back 4-0, He's working for the pin, and then gets it!

Marcus Glenn Blaze FALL Dohyung Kim (1:16)
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92kg R1 - Connor Mirasola VS Grigori Tomali (MDA)

Tying up & fighting for position
Connor drops in on a leg & gets the TD, has a tight gut & picks up 2 turns before going out of bounds, 6-0, restart
Connor reaches for a leg, nothing, Connor with a couple more half shots, then they're back to the center tying up. Connor gets to a leg, but Tomali fights him off. 4-min left.
Tomali drops to a leg, but Connor just circles out of it.
Back to center tying up & pushing & circling
Connor shoots, gets the leg & finishes off the TD, 8-0
The period expires.

Circling & fighting for position to start the second. Connor looking for an opening. Tomali with good defense. Connor gets to the leg, comes around behind & picks up another TD for the 10-0 TECH

Connor Mirasola TECH Grigori Tomali 10-0 (3:48)
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74kg - 1/8 Final (R16) - Ladarion Artez Lockett VS Tamir Eshinimaev (AIN)

Head tapping to start, both keeping some distance, then hand fighting & Lockett slaps Eshinimaev for some reason, stoppage & restart. It's a little chippy to start.
Circling & looking for an opening
Eshinimaev passivity warning
Back to hand fighting & circling, stoppage for fingers, warning Eshinimaev
Tying up, Lockett fakes, 2nd passivity warning Eshinimaev, goes on the clock.
Eshinimaev shoots for a low single, nothing
Shot clock point Lockett, 1-0
Circling & fighting for position, passivity warning Lockett
Lockett reaches for a leg, more of a half shot, nothing. Tying up & hand fighting to end the period.
1-0 Lockett

Not much action so far, just lots of fighting for position.
Back to action, Lockett gets in deep on a leg, working to finish, but Eshinimaev fights out of it & they're back to center tying up. Eshinimaev with double unders & they go out of bounds, but no points awarded, restart. Eshinimaev wants to restart in Lockett's spot, so there's some pushing over that.
Eshinimaev with a passivity warning right after the whistle & goes on the clock again
Eshinimaev drops in on an ankle off the whistle, they're scrambling & Eshinimaev gets 2, I think for an exposure, before they are stalemated. 2-1 Eshinimaev
Lockett challenging
Challenge won, score changed to back to 1-0 Lockett with Eshinimaev back on the shot clock. Ref is at the table now discussing something. Not sure what the shot clock time should be, but it's been reset to 30-sec. Now, it's been changed to 13-sec.
Back to action, Tying up, Eshinimaev coming forward, Lockett circling back to center,
Shot clock point Lockett, 2-0
Lockett half shot, stoppage Lockett passivity warning, goes on the clock, 1:05 left.
Locket shoots deep in on a leg, Eshinimaev fighting, but Lockett elevates & drives Eshinimaev out of bounds for 4, 6-0. Wow! Great move!
More tying up & pushing as time expires.

Ladarion Lockett DEC Tamir Eshinimaev 6-0

Lockett advances to the quarterfinals.
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125kg - 1/8 Final (R16) - Benjamin Allen Keuter VS Alikhan Kussaniova (KAZ)

Tying up & hand fighting to start, Kueter reaches for an ankle, nothing
Kueter working the head, reaches down & gets a leg, then comes around for the TD, 2-0
Hand fighting & tying up again, neither wrestler doing much, stoppage & finger warning
Kussaniova looking for an under hook, moving Kueter around the mat, then they break & are back to center circling & pushing & that's how the period ends.

Back to action & tying up, Kussaniova looks physically bigger, at least in girth. Kueter tries a double, nothing, 2nd Passivity warning Kussaniova he goes on the clock, I missed the first.
Shot clock point Kueter, 3-0, 1:48 left
Kussaniova shoots, Kueter counters, has a leg, switches to a double & takes Kussaniova down, 5-0, restart, 90-sec left
Kussaniova shoots, gets the leg, Kueter countering, has an ankle & it's a stalemate
More pushing & shoving, Kussaniova fakes a shot, 30-sec left
Kussaniova taking big breaths, shoots, Kueter counters, 7-0 & that's it.

Benjamin Keuter DEC Alikhan Kussaniova 7-0
61kg - 1/8 Final (R16) - Marcus Glenn Blaze VS Amir Hamayun (TKM)

Blaze working a 2 on 1, gets Hamayun to the mat & is trying to step over, keeps working & gets the TD, 2-0, no turns
Blaze coming forward off the whistle, Hamayun drops in on a single, Blaze fighting it off & they go out of bounds, point Hamayun, 2-1, restart
Hamayun shoots, Blaze counters & comes around for another TD, 4-1
Hamayun starting on his belly now & Blaze has been given another point, so it's 5-1, Blaze adds a turn & it's 7-1, restart, 4:19 left
Blaze coming forward, Hamayun reaches for a leg, nothing, Blaze drives Hamayun out, but no points, restart, 3:45 left
Blaze coming forward, Hamayun reaches for a leg, Blaze working the head hard & takes Hamayun out of bounds for 2, 9-1. Blaze almost had a cradle locked up there, restart
Hamayun shoots, Blaze counters & comes around for another TD & the tech

Marcus Glenn Blaze TECH Amir Hamayun 11-1 (2:45)
125kg - 1/8 Final (R16) - Benjamin Allen Keuter VS Alikhan Kussaniova (KAZ)

Tying up & hand fighting to start, Kueter reaches for an ankle, nothing
Kueter working the head, reaches down & gets a leg, then comes around for the TD, 2-0
Hand fighting & tying up again, neither wrestler doing much, stoppage & finger warning
Kussaniova looking for an under hook, moving Kueter around the mat, then they break & are back to center circling & pushing & that's how the period ends.

Back to action & tying up, Kussaniova looks physically bigger, at least in girth. Kueter tries a double, nothing, 2nd Passivity warning Kussaniova he goes on the clock, I missed the first.
Shot clock point Kueter, 3-0, 1:48 left
Kussaniova shoots, Kueter counters, has a leg, switches to a double & takes Kussaniova down, 5-0, restart, 90-sec left
Kussaniova shoots, gets the leg, Kueter countering, has an ankle & it's a stalemate
More pushing & shoving, Kussaniova fakes a shot, 30-sec left
Kussaniova taking big breaths, shoots, Kueter counters, 7-0 & that's it.

Benjamin Keuter DEC Alikhan Kussaniova 7-0
Kueter is an amazing athlete. I'd love to see him in the Black and Gold of the Steelers some day.
86kg 1/8 Finals (R16) - Joshua Joseph Barr VS Sachin Sachin (IND)

Barr quickly in on a leg, elevates & drives Sachin out of bounds for 2
Barr gets another TD off the whistle, 4-0, adds 3 turns for the quick 10-0 tech.

Josh Barr TECH Sachin Sachin 10-0 (42-sec)
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74kg 1/4 Finals - Ladarion Artez Lockett VS Gaurav Gaurav (IND)

Circling & head tapping, but not much more action.
Gaurav working a 2 on 1, then they break, more circling, but nothing more
Gaurav passivity warning, restart
Ref calling for more action, 2nd passivity warning Gaurav & he goes on the clock.
Gaurav shoots, nothing, Lockett shoots, Gaurav almost gets away, but Lockett finshes the TD & ads a turn, 4-0 & he gets a shot clock point, 5-0, restart, 4-min left
Locket back in on another TD, 7-0 & adds 2 turns for a quick 11-0 tech.

Ladarion Lockett TECH Gaurav Gaurav 11-0 (2:18)

Lockett moves into the Semis.
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