Thru 8 matches, we have 3 pins, 3 techs, 1 major and 1 decision. Not too shabby.
How do you f up stick figures and a clock?ESPN...
The other 2 were expected.
I literally have cried less after bad break ups.Manning has officially begun his whining and crying
It's the dial on the right.
Unless he pulled the plug on the scoreboard, it wasn't Manning. The clock went out.So Manning the crybaby bought 10 minutes for allred
what was the stoppage for?10 minutes delay and counting for allred smh
Never failsSo, if what I believe about gameday technology is to be true, ESPN counts on the venue (Track) to provide them the input from scoring and clocks. Since Track runs the tourney, they are having issues which is screwing ESPN's feed. Flo gonna Flo...
Bob has got one bag smaller than all others...............A one-year rental will generally take the biggest bag. Especially when Bob's bag is often so much bigger than all others.
Bernie Truax being a possible exception.
Track is owned by Flo, who you gonna believe?PSU twitter says Barr on deck Mat 5 but track says a different match next mat 5.
Tell them a guy in Biglerville says Ohio State, Michigan, late season Oregon, and Illinois would have beaten them in 94 and Penn State would have won by 21My seats are in the Nebraska section