184- R32 - #1 Carter Starocci VS #32 Caden Rogers (LEH)
Period 1:
Casey & Cael are in Starocci's corner. Here we go! Circling, hand fighting & tying up. Starocci presses forward & has Rogers on the edge. Starocci shoots & gets a leg, but then lets it go. Out of bounds & restart. Stall warning on Rogers. Starocci presses forward again & has Rogers on the edge. Starocci pushes Rogers out of bounds. 2nd stall call on Rogers, point Starocci, 1-0. Wow! Great ref! Neutral restart. Starocci presses forward again & has Rogers on the edge again. Starocci shoots & comes behind for the TD, 4-0. Starocci gets Rogers bellied out on the edge. Starocci looks for a tilt, but isn't getting swipes. Starocci adjusts & gets a swipe, but then Rogers rolls back to his belly before any more. Out of bounds & restart, 4-sec left. Starocci rides out the period. 4-0 Starocci, +52-sec RT
Period 2:
Rogers takes down. Starocci quickly gets him bellied out. Starocci goes over 1-min RT. Rogers works back to his base, but not for long & he's bellied out again. Starocci is just suffocating Rogers from top, 1-min left. Rogers gets another stall warning, point Starocci, 5-0. Starocci locks up a tilt & adds 4 NF, 9-0. Rogers rolls back to his belly. Stoppage for blood time. They're cleaning the mats & wiping the wrestlers down. Rogers was gushing from the nose. 38-sec left. Back to action. Rogers is still down. They start, but blow it dead 6-seconds later, as Rogers is gushing again. Rogers takes off his headgear now. It looks like a full face wrapping going on. They wrap right around his nose & ears. That can't be fun for breathing. It's like a tape headband, but around the nose. Yikes! Back to action for the 2nd time. Rogers is still down, 32-sec left in the 2nd period. Starocci quickly gets Rogers bellied out. Starocci looks for another turn, but Rogers rolls through. Starocci rides out the period. 9-0 Starocci, +2:58 RT
Period 3:
Starocci takes neutral. Starocci presses forward & has Rogers on the edge. Starocci drops in on a leg & finishes the TD, 12-0. Starocci cuts Rogers, 12-1. Starocci shoots & gets another TD, 15-1. Starocci cuts Rogers, 15-2. Out of bounds & neutral restart. Starocci presses forward & drops in on a leg. He keeps working & finishes off the TD for the 18-2 Techfall...and another bonus point victory!!!
Carter Starocci TECH Caden Rogers 18-2 (6:20)