285- R32 - #3 Greg Kerkvliet VS #30 Sam Mitchell (WYO)
Period 1:
Kerk has a pretty big sleeve on his left knee. It's covers from mid-calf to mid-thigh. Byers just said he got dinged up the other day. He doesn't appear to be limited as he walks around on the mat. Cael & Casey are in Kerk's corner. Here we go! Kerk presses forward. Circling, hand fighting & tying up. Kerk snaps & comes behind for a TD, 3-0. Kerk quickly gets Mitchell bellied out & is looking for a turn. Mitchell is just laying on his belly, 1-min left. Kerk is wrenching on an arm. He switches to a half & cranks Mitchell over. Kerk tries to go chest to chest, but Mitchell rolls through. Kerk gets 2 NF, 7-0. Kerk rides out the period.
Period 2:
Mitchell takes down. Kerk quickly gets Mitchell bellied out. Kerk is looking for another turn, but it's stopped for potentially dangerous, restart. Mitchell is still down. He tries to come up, but doesn't get very far. Kerk rolls Mitchell over & adds 4 NF more, 11-0. Mitchell rolls back to his belly. Kerk rides out the period. 12-0 Kerk, +4-min RT
Period 3:
Mitchell chooses neutral. Circling & tying up. Kerk presses forward & gets another TD to complete the 15-0 techfall!!! Another bonus point victory & another wrestler on to the next round. Nice job by all!
Greg Kerkvliet TECH Sam Mitchell 15-0 (5:30)