157- R16 - #1 Tyler Kasak VS #16 Cody Chittum (ISU)
Period 1:
Here we go. Cael & Cody in the corner. Kasak shoots, gets a leg & almost finishes a double, but they go out of bounds. Kasak drags & gets a TD, 3-0. Kasak cuts Chittum, 3-1. Chittum pushes forward & has Kasak on the edge, but Kasak circles back in. Out of bounds & restart. Circling & tying up, and then more circling & tying up, 1-min left. Stoppage because Kasak has to fix his headgear. We start back up, but then he has another headgear issue. Circling & tying up, 30-sec left. Chittum pushes forward. Kasak circles back in & drops in on a leg, but they go out of bounds, restart, 7-sec left. More headgear issues & it's a long stoppage. Back to action. Circling & tying up to end the period. 3-1 Kasak, +27-sec RT
Period 2:
Kasak takes down. He gets to his feet, but Chittum takes him back down. Kasak hits a switch & gets a reversal, 5-1. Out of bounds & restart. Chittum is still down. He gets to his feet & gets the escape, 5-2. Chittum pushes forward & they go out of bounds. Stall warning on Kasak. Kasak shoots, but Chittum blocks him off. Kasak has another headgear issue or something & it's stopped. Kasak shoots off the whistle & gets a leg. Chittum tries to roll. They're scrambling. Kasak is leaning back into Chittum & trying to turn into him. Kasak gets Chittum in neutral danger & finishes the TD, 8-2. Chittum gets to his feet & Kasak takes him out of bounds & then rides out the period. 8-2 Kasak, +33-sec RT
Period 3:
Chittum takes down. He gets to a quadpod, then his feet & Kasak lets him go, 8-3. Chittum presses forward, Kasak circles back in. Chittum comes forward again, but Kasak circles back in again, 1:20 left. Chittum reaches for a leg, but Kasak blocks him off. Chittum shoots, Kasak counters, but nobody scores, 1-min left. Chittum shoots & gets a leg. Kasak sprawls back hard & they go out of bounds, restart, 44-sec left. Tying up & pushing. Chittum pushes forward & has Kasak on the edge. Kasak hasn't given up a TD this entire season. Wow! Chittum shoots, but Kasak circles away. Chittum shoots again, but Kasak fights him off. Out of bounds & restart. Kasak fights it all off & hangs on for the win!! 15-0 Baby!!!
Tyler Kasak DEC Cody Chittum 8-3