149- R16 - #3 Shayne Van Ness VS #19 Andrew Clark (RUT)
Period 1:
Casey & Nick in the corner now. Circling & tying up. Van Ness snaps & drops to an ankle, but Clark fights free. Van Ness snaps & gets the ankle again on the edge. He's trying to pull Clark back in, but Clark is fighting hard. Van Ness adjusts & gets the TD, 3-0. Out of bounds & restart. Clark is still down. Van Ness breaks Clark down quickly. Van Ness is riding tough. Clark gets to a quadpod, but is back to his belly quickly, and then his base. Van Ness hammering on top. He has to be close to 1-min RT. Out of bounds & restart, 58-sec left. Van Ness is over 1-min RT. Clark gets to his feet & gets the escape, 3-1. Van Ness has Clark on the edge. Out of bounds & restart, 40-sec left. Van Ness presses forward. He shoots, gets a leg, then finishes off the TD on the edge, 6-1. Van Ness gets Clark bellied out & they go out of bounds, restart, 10-sec left. Clark is still down. Van Ness rides out the period. 6-1 Van Ness, +1:32 RT
Period 2:
Van Ness defers. Clark takes down. He sits out, but Van Ness breaks him down to his belly. Van Ness has an arm trapped & is trying to crank Clark over, but Clark fights to his belly. Van Ness goes over 2-min RT. Van Ness is suffocating Clark from top, 1-min left. Stall warning on Clark. Van Ness has Clark bellied out on the edge, 35-sec left. Out of bounds & restart. Clark is still down. Van Ness has 3-min RT, 32-sec left. Clark tries to get up, but Van Ness breaks him back down. Van Ness looks for a turn, then a cradle, then a bow & arrow, but Clark fights it all off. Van Ness rides out the period. 6-1 Van Ness, RT Locked
Period 3:
Van Ness takes neutral. Circling & tying up. Van Ness shoots, but Clark sprawls back hard. Van Ness keeps pressing forward. Stalemate & restart. Circling & tying up. Van Ness shoots, but Clark blocks him off, 1-min left. Clark shoots, Van Ness counters & gets another TD, 9-1. Van Ness gets Clark bellied out. Stall warning #2 on Clark, point Van Ness, 10-1. Van Ness rides out the period. Van Ness adds a RT point for the 11-1 Major!!
Shayne Van Ness MD Andrew Clark 11-1