184- R16 - #1 Carter Starocci VS #16 Shane Cartagena-Walsh (RUT)
Period 1:
Circling & tying up. Carter shoots, gets the legs & finishes the TD, 3-0. Carter gets Cartagena-Walsh bellied out. Carter puts on a brutal ride. He's looking for a turn using Cartagena-Walsh's face. He's getting swipes. Carter adds 4 NF, 7-0. Carter has Cartagena-Walsh bellied out again & hits another tilt. Carter adds 4 NF more, 11-0 & goes over 2-min RT. Carter is just punishing Cartagena-Walsh from top. Carter rides out the period. 11-0 Carter, +2:33 RT
Period 2:
Cartagena-Walsh takes neutral. Circling & tying up. Carter presses forward & has Cartagena-Walsh on the edge. He drops to a leg, then gets the other & finishes the TD on the edge, 14-0. Out of bounds & restart. Cartagena-Walsh starts down. Carter hooks a leg & gets Cartagena-Walsh bellied out, then looks for another tilt. No luck on the tilt, but he goes over 3-min RT. Stall call #2 on Cartagena-Walsh, point Carter & that's the 15-0 techfall!!
Carter Starocci TECH Shane Cartagena-Walsh 15-0 (4:24)