Day 1 - 2025 NCAA's - Match/PBP/discussion thread

285- R16 - #3 Greg Kerkvliet VS #14 Gavin Hoffman (LH)

Period 1:
The last match of the evening. Bring us home Kerk! Casey & Cael in the corner. Tying up & circling. Kerk reaches for a leg, but can't get there. Kerk looks 2 on 1, but no luck. Kerk keeps looking for an opening. Hoffman shoots, but Kerk circles away. Hoffman reaches for a low leg, but can't get there. Kerk drives forward & has Hoffman on the edge. He drops to an ankle, then drags Hoffman back on to the mat & finishes off the TD, 3-0. Kerk quickly gets Hoffman bellied out, 53-sec left. Hoffman works back to his base. Kerk riding heavy on top. Kerk is trying to stretch Hoffman out & he gets him bellied out again. Out of bounds & restart, 21-sec left. Hoffman is still down. Kerk has 40-sec RT. Hoffman gets to a quadpod, but Kerk brings him back to his base & rides out the period. 3-0 Kerk, +1:01 RT

Period 2:
Hoffman takes down. Hoffman gets a foot out, but Kerk is suffocating him from top. Hoffman gets to his feet, but Kerk drags him back down. Kerk goes over 90-sec RT. Kerk hits 2-min RT, out of bounds & restart, 1:02 left. Hoffman is trying to get up, but Kerk is a beast on top. Hoffman gets to his feet, but not for long, 40-sec left. Kerk goes over 2.5-min RT. Hoffman isn't doing much on bottom. Hoffman gets hit with a stall call. Kerk rides out the period. 3-0 Kerk, plus over 3-min RT (RT is locked)

Period 3:
Kerk takes top & he quickly gets Hoffman bellied out. Kerk looks for a tilt, but no luck. Kerk gets Hoffman bellied out again & looks for another turn but no luck, 1-min left. Stoppage & restart. Hoffman is still down. Kerk gets a stall call. Kerk breaks Hoffman down & goes over 4-min RT. Save that knee for tomorrow! Kerk rides out the period & adds a riding time point for the 4-0 victory! Great job Greg!!! Kerk wins to complete the perfect day!!! 20-0 on Day 1!!! Wow!!! All 10 wrestlers are into the quarterfinals tomorrow!!!

Greg Kerkvliet DEC Gavin Hoffman 4-0
Feldman, what a drop off.