Mine is working fine.I have a black screen ...no sound on FLO......Am I the only one?
According to Ironbird, it’s clearly Dianabol injectionsNick looks stronger more cut this year.
Byers said new process for deciding starting weight class:
• Whatever weight both coaches agree to
• If they don't agree, they flip a coin and winner picks the weight
Navy won the flip today and picked 141. If I had my druthers, there would never be a coin flip -- just let the home team choose every time. Make it a part of home-mat advantage, in case there were ever a need for some strategery with the lineup. Could only help to make duals more interesting.
Damn!!! Pins for everyoneGardner-Park
1st- Nice Head Inside single and wrap both legs up for a 2-0 lead in relatively short time. Navy works up and out for the escape. Gardner gets in, but Park looking to funk roll. Nothing doing, Gardner scores anyway. 4-1. Gardner locks up a cradle and rolls over his own back to take him over. FALL! PIN BABY, PIN!
Does for me...Does flo feed have Ironhead calling it?
Gardner decked a 3 time Oklahoma State champ. Think that's what ironhead said.
1st- Nice Head Inside single and wrap both legs up for a 2-0 lead in relatively short time. Navy works up and out for the escape. Gardner gets in, but Park looking to funk roll. Nothing doing, Gardner scores anyway. 4-1. Gardner locks up a cradle and rolls over his own back to take him over. FALL! PIN BABY, PIN!
Kyle snyder?Gardner beat out Verk for the spot? Hmmm...wonder who coached him to do that since we all know Cael can’t coach.