Bo and Cassar won that for the team.
Per Flo, and it could be wrong "Snyder need(ed) to win by 13 or more for Ohio State to win on tiebreaker. "No he didn't. Ohio State wins 19-19 on criteria with a major. (total bout points)
Biggest difference in injured wrestlers is the one in this picture is smiling. True team player.
That was incredible. Bo getting the NF at the buzzer did it.
Yep. Can’t be hard on Snyder. Big ask for himLet's be honest, Snyder had to tech nick, at least he went for it. Great night for PSU
I think they corrected themselves late though.Boy, math isn’t a strong suit here. We led 73-85 going into heavy, that means Snyder needed a 13 point gap. Stop listening to TJ and Gibbons. They’re morons.
I do believe it. What unselfish teamwork tonight.
Oh man.A LOT of bitterness surfacing over at HR. Quite entertaining.
Yeah kinda mind boggling they can’t just recognize some clutch performances. They’ve wrestled well this year but the fans...oy vey!A LOT of bitterness surfacing over at HR. Quite entertaining.
Logan Stieber doing enough whining for all Buckeyes, but that’s in keeping with himUnreal! Nolf was dancing on his crutches. This is why I love this team.
Kuhn huge, Zain huge, Cenzo huge, Hall huge, Bo huge, Cassar MVP and Nevills gave it his all!
Wow. Can’t wait to see the tweets from Tan Tom.
I may have to make a tOSU video!
I believe Nick Lee takes more out of that loss, than if he would have won. Only my opinion, but I believe that helps him come March. Also, Kuhn after not being on the mat for an eternity able to go toe to toe with an Ncaa champ before he gassed, that's got to give him some big time confidence going forward if he can get his conditioning sorted out. Wow, what an incredible dual and what a win for the sport.
I’m saving HR for later. It’s saturday night, early and the beers cold. Gonna be some great ”shitter” material before bed...A LOT of bitterness surfacing over at HR. Quite entertaining.
A LOT of bitterness surfacing over at HR. Quite entertaining.
My first post ever on the wrestling board, but I had to chime in, that was f'ing incredible.
That was f'n awesome.
I live-facebooked this dual and forced a lot of friends who never watched a match to watch, and they're all thanking me. This was the best dual I've ever seen.
No he didn't. Ohio State wins 19-19 on criteria with a major. (total bout points)
No reason to give him coaching advice, we want him to continue to shyte the bed. This one is going to give him nightmares for many years.Tom Ryan was a big loser tonight. He totally loses it when the pressure is on goes bezerk on his wrestlers. Not a good look Tom. Ya might want to keep your composure and coach the kids instead of screaming at them like you want to kill them.
Talk about two totally different coaches styles. Tom goes crazy about everything and Cael is almost always calm and assertive.Tom Ryan was a big loser tonight. He totally loses it when the pressure is on goes bezerk on his wrestlers. Not a good look Tom. Ya might want to keep your composure and coach the kids instead of screaming at them like you want to kill them.