Football GAMEDAY THREAD -- Penn State @ Maryland

Anyone else flipping and watching some of Veilleux? He throws a sweet long pass that the WR takes to the house, 60 or 70 yards, almost. Defender prys out the ball at the 1 and defense recovers in the end zone. Pitt, pitting........
Anyone else flipping and watching some of Veilleux? He throws a sweet long pass that the WR takes to the house, 60 or 70 yards, almost. Defender prys out the ball at the 1 and defense recovers in the end zone. Pitt, pitting........
But we want Pitt to win today
Great the Beamon got a sack. I can't remember his name getting called before this year. Hope he can break out and be the pressure DT he was hyped to be..
Kalen King getting beat and off corn flakes...always consistent.
Clifford could have bocked it with his belly had he really taken the correct aggressive angle........... :(
This is how a team takes a game that shoud be a blowout and makes it a nail biter......
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Nothing like giving a team momentum instead of stepping on their throat. Another score and they were going to pack it in like they always do.
We kept that drive alive for them let’s not beat ourselves. Why the hell are we going for the punt block
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I don’t blame the coaches. Liam had a clear path. I blame Liam for not following the ball. He’ll learn from it.
Ellies had an easy sack right there but I guess he thought the ball was out and just stood there.