157 - #3 Tyler Kasak VS #1 Jacori Teemer
Period 1:
Let's go Tyler! Kasak comes out to Johnny Cash! Here we go! Circling & head tapping to start. Stoppage & restart for something. Back to action. Kasak tries a slide by, Teemer counters with double unders, but no luck for either & we're back to neutral. Teemer loses his headgear & gets booed by the crowd. Back to action. Kasak pushes forward, but then Teemer pushes back & they're in the center again. Kasak pushes forward again. He looks for a shot, but can't find an opening. Teemer shoots, but Kasak counters. Kasak gets poked in the eye, restart. Circling & tying up. Kasak pushes forward. Teemer circles back to center. Teemer with some fakes, 1-min left. Kasak keeps stalking forward, little by little. Kasak tries a 2 on 1, then reaches for a leg, but no luck. Back to circling. Kasak with a half shot, but no luck. More circling as the period ends. 0-0
Period 2:
Kasak takes down. He gets to his feet & gets a quick escape in 5-sec, 1-0. Circling & head tapping. Teemer drops to his knees & then comes back up. Kasak drops to a leg & gets a TD! 4-0. Oh yeah baby!!! Kasak is riding heavy. Teemer gets to his knees, but Kasak is draped all over him. Teemer goes flat, then works back to his base, 30-sec left. Kasak goes over 1-min of riding time. Teemer rolls & they go out of bounds. Teemer gets an escape, 4-1. Blood time Kasak. Kasak still has +1:03 RT. Kasak has a pretty big gash over his right eye. This is going to need some tape. Maybe a full headband? Teemer almost got a reversal on the edge, but Kasak fought out of it & only gave up the escape. Back to action. Kasak with a big tape headband. He's like a mummy now! 18-sec left. Circling, Teemer snaps & shoots, but Kasak fights out of it. Kasak almost counters for another TD, but they go out of bounds, 1-sec left. 4-1 Kasak
Period 3:
Teemer takes down. He gets to his feet, but Kasak brings him back down hard. Teemer gets up again, but Kasak brings him back down. Out of bounds, restart. Teemer is still down. Teemer gets to a quadpod & gets the escape, 4-2. Kasak locks up riding time, 57-sec left, restart. Circling, Teemer pushes forward a little. Teemer shoots, Kasak counters & gets behind, but they go out of bounds. That should have been stalling on Teemer, 25-sec left. Circling & tying up. Teemer looks for an inside trip, but Kasak just lifts him completely off the mat with 10-sec left. Kasak flexes & throws a fist pump out to the crowd & the crowd goes wild!!! Are you entertained??? Kasak keeps holding Teemer in the air until the period expires. Wow!!! That's Superman strength!!! Where can I buy some of those cows?
Tyler Kasak DEC Jacori Teemer 5-2
Team Score
PSU: 15