PSU - Navy Match Thread

Damn quick stalling edge call. Not a great way to win. Teske needs to find his offense
Brody Teske coming out.
1st- Navy on the 2on1 like a dog on a bone, but Teske staying square. OOB. Teske looking front head out of Navy's 2on1. Now Navy looking front head and Teske looking 2on1. Teske with level change. Nobody has touched a leg in the first 2:00. Teske not pulling FH again, and we have our first re-attack folks. No score. 0-0
2nd- Teske starts on bottom. Navy riding hard. This trap-leg, knee over the arm thing is interesting. Teske battles out. 1-0 BT. Couple of leg-slaps, each. Teske close on a single heading OOB but no score. 1-0 as it ends.
3rd- Navy takes bottom and escapes in roughly :30. RT will be no factor, here 1-1. Somebody gotta get to a leg here, bro. Brody finally gets him moving with ties/FH, stall warning against Navy as they go out, but I ain't so sure on that one. Both guys banging with short time. 2-1 apparently that was a second stall call. Navy close on a backdoor finish and had Teske in danger but he rolls through. 2-1 Teske. Looked tight. First time at Rec Hall, I get it. 41-0.
When Koser didn't get called for desperately backing out repeatedly when Conel kept pulling him back in w/ jack-ups, I thought there must have been a rule change on stall calls that I missed. I guess not.
Teske wrestled like he was 125 kilos not 125 pounds.
Looks like I may be in minority here but think it was impressive Teske pulled out the win. It’s tough for these young guys wrestling their first collegiate dual match under the lights.
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Is that Welcome to JamRock?
1st- RBY gets to legs early and scores immediately. 2-0. Cuts him after Navy gets to feet 2-1. Navy comes front head, but they scurry OOB. RBY get underneath again and finishes a double for 4-1 but cuts, 4-2. Period ends.
2nd- Navy takes bottom. Navy works up and eventually gets away. 4-3. RBY looks to pass elbows but can't get to ankle. Very basic, tough double for a TD and a cut. 6-4, and RBY right back on it, works back to a single and scores. 8-4 and gets the rideout for the end of the period.
3rd- RBY takes neutral. RBY chases alternating ankles like a fiend and gets to a takedown. Can't come up the body and gets a stall warning. 10-4 at the restart. RBY cuts 10-5. Navy shoots from the blue line, but can't finish. RBY counters another lackluster attack and is pulling to get a takedown on the edge. 12-5, but RBY has RT locked. RBY cuts him with :20, 12-6 + RT. RBY winn-dixies the poor guy and gets the major. 45-0 Good Guys.
RBY always looks small to me relative to his opponents. I'm not clear where his weight is located in his body.
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Cenzo earns the Ridge Riley.

Says he's really ready to go out of the gate this year (i.e. moreso than previous seasons).

EDIT: He also speaks very highly of Conel -- says he's the nicest guy he's known and really pleased to have him on the team. One red flag in Cenzo's praise, however -- says they are on the same diet.

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What does Teske do well? See next to zero potential in him.
Teske has a motor.....that is a great start. He will get better on offense and that motor will win a few matches as the year progresses. Put the brakes on the AA talk though.
Who doesn't love Bob Dillon? But I've heard him sing "La la la la", 700,000 times in the last 5 months.

LMAO this .... they need more sponsors. I also think it's ridiculous we have to watch ads for non live videos.